Send me your requests!

Send me your requests!

Send me a request in my ask box

Send me a request in my ask box



Send me stuff!

Send me stuff!

Send requests!

Send requests!

Any requests....Send them here!!!!!

Any requests....Send them here!!!!!

Any requests....Send them here!!!!!

Any requests....Send them here!!!!!

renascorner:  Feeling fabulous today, Smitty? Crystal Shimmer,

renascorner: Feeling fabulous today, Smitty? Crystal Shimmer,

Taking Overwatch requests!Taking Overwatch themed requests this

Taking Overwatch requests!Taking Overwatch themed requests this

Send in your requests.

Send in your requests.

My ask box is empty so if you’ve been waiting to send in

My ask box is empty so if you’ve been waiting to send in

Send in your spring break-related caption requests!

Send in your spring break-related caption requests!

Reblog/message Me if you want me to add cuckold captions to a

Reblog/message Me if you want me to add cuckold captions to a

Send me a character and a color pallette to my ask box.

Send me a character and a color pallette to my ask box.

fuckyeahchinesebl:  This story is an update of a friend named

fuckyeahchinesebl: This story is an update of a friend named

Yes I do take them, but only if they appeal to my tastes. OCs

Yes I do take them, but only if they appeal to my tastes. OCs

Tumblr isn’t really well designed for private communication,

Tumblr isn’t really well designed for private communication,

I’ve decided to actually try and keep things organised,

I’ve decided to actually try and keep things organised,

You can request things from me now. Remember to read:

You can request things from me now. Remember to read:

Feel free to send some requests over, preferably of my OC’s.Maybe

Feel free to send some requests over, preferably of my OC’s.Maybe

Yep, if you’ve got a request you can send it to me via chat

Yep, if you’ve got a request you can send it to me via chat

So since this is a new account I lost all the old messages with

So since this is a new account I lost all the old messages with

  Send characters suggestions  to my ASK BOX, NOT the chat PLS.I

Send characters suggestions  to my ASK BOX, NOT the chat PLS.I

Send me requests ( only on ask/message box, NO CHAT) of what

Send me requests ( only on ask/message box, NO CHAT) of what

yall can send requests btw

yall can send requests btw

Send me an ask telling me what I can do to improve as an artist

Send me an ask telling me what I can do to improve as an artist

I don't know what to draw so if you have anything you want to

I don't know what to draw so if you have anything you want to

I'm done with all my other requests for now so if you’d like

I'm done with all my other requests for now so if you’d like

Requests are open again message me or send me an ask telling

Requests are open again message me or send me an ask telling

Send me a message, ask, or post a comment with your request on

Send me a message, ask, or post a comment with your request on

shylittlebaby:  Hiiii I’m doing a takeover over on @tvmblr-babes

shylittlebaby: Hiiii I’m doing a takeover over on @tvmblr-babes

Request your favorite character you want to see banged by your

Request your favorite character you want to see banged by your

Anyone up for sending me some asks/requests?

Anyone up for sending me some asks/requests?

Send Requests!

Send Requests!

Send in your requests~!

Send in your requests~!

send me nudes send me nudes send me nudes send me nudes send

send me nudes send me nudes send me nudes send me nudes send