omfg the update
crabcest69 replied to your post : omfg the update you say terezi
why this update nononoo maybe Jake just needs some time on his
thecacklingblueboho replied to your post: at least they are canon!!
kamaryam replied to your post: it’s already 1st December THAT’S
xigzexdem reblogged your photo: so I got this suggestion to draw
panda-s1 said: “ikimaru” (生き丸) could mean like “young
strawberrysonatina said: UPD8 I KNOW omfg just finished
viviornitier replied to your post: omfg JANE WHAT you
click 1111 times are you seriou s omfg
madehereusa replied to your post: click 1111 times are you
strawberrysonatina replied to your photo: tHANK YOU GUYS!!
fullofboredom reblogged your photo: pfft just something silly
egbertitties reblogged your photoset: ohm y god I why did
uniquepain reblogged your photo: just wanted to draw Jade
togamikomaeda replied to your post: When i think of Cicada
omfg now it shows up for me too if I knew how to edit themes
hello I’m Sunny and this is jackass /casually wears shades
lisokokon replied to your post: hey, can you mind that cecil
I’m just laughing bc it looks like they’re dancing
viria replied to your post: In the Heroes Of Olympus each
ravenfyre replied to your post:dirk and dave are 18 holy poop
so you know I’ve been in Rome for the past days and there
omfg so I was rearranging some stuff in my closet and I found
ceruleanbootyking:A few friends of mine and I were playing Cards
how long does cat shedding usually last? it’s been going on
a couple of cats were fighting in the street and they were really
just finished watching the 4th LIS episode that was so messed
tumblr feels deader than usual at this hour omfg is everyone
(who else thought of Darwin from TAWOG when they saw Steven’s
we brought about the pkmn reaction images apocalypse on skype
I’m sorry bUT this out of context is so funny omfg