bookpatrol:    Browsing through the Archive of the Prague Castle.

bookpatrol: Browsing through the Archive of the Prague Castle.

fortunatelystof:    Katja Peterka by Socathos

fortunatelystof: Katja Peterka by Socathos

plaisirdelire:  M. Peterka - Archives of Prague Castle.

plaisirdelire: M. Peterka - Archives of Prague Castle.

bookpatrol:    Browsing through the Archive of the Prague Castle.

bookpatrol: Browsing through the Archive of the Prague Castle.

lostandfoundinprague:  From archives of Prague castle, photo

lostandfoundinprague: From archives of Prague castle, photo

lostandfoundinprague:  Prague by M.Peterka, 60’s

lostandfoundinprague: Prague by M.Peterka, 60’s