touched-once-by-love: can we get these? :3 zach can we get
love❤️ #love #longdistance #ldr #longdistancerelationship
Hopefully this time next week me & Tom will be together…I’m
3 days till he’s here for the weekend!
This time tomorrow Tom will be here, in my bed, and I’ll
Tom is here guys!
Day 7: How do you communicate with each other?
Its been five months that things between me and Tom got more
i miss the simple things!💕 #simple #ldr #longdistance #love
Trains booked for the weekend in Newcastle with Tom, I’m
45 minutes and I'll be in Newcastle with Tom!❤️
First night since Sunday that I haven’t been on the phone
4 more days of being lonely!❤️
ugh “I miss you babe” *only saw him/her yesterday*
This is literally my call list!
Decided against going out for Halloween so it’s a bunch
Tom leaves tomorrow and I’m dreading it. I don’t
so Tom left and I feel empty…like really empty…I hate being
who needs lovey dovey messages when I get ones like this from
excited to see this one on Wednesday and then off to Newcastle
so excited to see my boy tomorrow & I’m a tad excited to
so I’ve done nothing today except be on the phone with
Train selfie!
Had the best six days, there were some tears and a few petty
Meeting all of Toms family tomorrow and I’ve never been
It’s now technically Tuesday here but my #MCM is my weirdo
Absolutely love FaceTimes with Tom! We’ve actually been
I get to see Tom a day earlier than expected…I wasn’t
My boyfriends been a god send this past week. Had an amazing
Made a tumblr just for my ldr...I'll follow everyone back
So if you follow me you will know me and Tom have had a very
So after 3 weeks together me & Tom said our “see you
my smile. my heart. my world. my love.❤️
So it was Tom’s birthday yesterday and I managed to plan