bootylicious-buggy: sorianis: bootylicious-buggy: goddamnitriot:
kazenoru: upper: p-chat picture with my friend cutter :Di requested
chibiveneficus: /tries to draw Ambulon/Fortress Maximus fanarts
mustachossom: cataradical answered: ratchet, pharma, ambulon
downbox: Ambulon stop staring at Pipes and get back to work.
eabevella: Bob is too adorable XD Poor Ambulon and his paint
kirij: むしゃくしゃしてやったらくがき(´・ω・`*)
yuu2111: Ambulon!! 作りました~ 最後の画像はパイプスくんを運んでいるシーンを再現しようとしたんですが無理でした。パイプスくん確実に落ちます
kirij: Fortress/ambulon line only >< フォトアンはまってしまった…とりあえず線画だけー(*・ω・)
kirij: I made an ambulon’s graphig (pepar toy) XD 不器用なのでとてもお手製感漂ってますがw
kirij: Please don’t leave me…
evilhasnever: dataglitch: There were some amazing scenes on
kirij: ambulon & tailgate (σ・∀・)σ
kirij: amublon doodle 脚先生いっぱい見たい(´・ω・`*)
rothinsel: Heavily inspired with Grey Liliy’s First Aid/Pharma
shibara: So a few days ago I was talking with Rookie, and she
rothinsel: I take that AU so seriously it hurts. Pharma is
rothinsel: eabevella: aoga5: 4.20のトランスforマーケットで販売したアンブロン本です。
kazenoru: eabevella: First Aid & Ambulon 1p comic. It’s
cataradical: niktheawesome: cataradical: i’m serious i want
jamadharbot: guro/OTP #1: amputation/holding hands
herzspalter: The only pictures First Aid is taking nowadays
cataradical: rothinsel: AA14 Sketch - Ambulon and Pharma by
matk0210: TF log(ㆁᴗㆁ✿) <Ambulon cat!!
eabevella: qgirl222266: 呃嗚嗚嗚~~((累 躺平#_(:3」)」_
yukizarashi: ツイッターのお題 「一番目にリプライ来たキャラを幼児化させ、
Possibly A Droid
enrai999: 初めて描いたアンブロン先生。凹
adelita-sanchez: anima-blue:TV show AU- blooperswhen rung flubs
odi et amo
kazisuke: ….(;o;)
can't fix it