I hear Quiet will be a special character in MGO, pls dont let

I hear Quiet will be a special character in MGO, pls dont let

Fuk’it here’s some more cute stuff.HIGH RES 1HIGH

Fuk’it here’s some more cute stuff.HIGH RES 1HIGH

Requested, Oce-fluff.HIGH RES (5K)

Requested, Oce-fluff.HIGH RES (5K)

More testing with animations ^^WEMB LOOP: Idle Ocelot.

More testing with animations ^^WEMB LOOP: Idle Ocelot.

Ocelot, around.. Peace Walker? Oh well i had fun. Photoshop is

Ocelot, around.. Peace Walker? Oh well i had fun. Photoshop is

adamska:are they… y’know… (rivals)

adamska:are they… y’know… (rivals)

sean-clancy:  Photograph by Natalia Naka Adamska

sean-clancy: Photograph by Natalia Naka Adamska

gravitationalbeauty:  flamin trees by Agnes I Adamska

gravitationalbeauty: flamin trees by Agnes I Adamska