darthsagaswag: 2b6o:  “I tried to be nice. I really did.”

darthsagaswag: 2b6o: “I tried to be nice. I really did.”

snailesque:please talk to me about nier: automata

snailesque:please talk to me about nier: automata

2b6o: Fang and Vanille + scenery 

2b6o: Fang and Vanille + scenery 

2b6o:Miko Miki Kuroda

2b6o:Miko Miki Kuroda

2b6o:“R-Rude, say something!”

2b6o:“R-Rude, say something!”

2b6o:Miko Miki Kuroda

2b6o:Miko Miki Kuroda

2b6o: (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

2b6o: (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧