inchanish: inchanish: Ogura: Well, this has something to do
moetwinstyle: Yui & Kaori’s songs are so cute! (*/ωヽ)~♡
echizenya-masuke: 小倉唯さんと石原夏織さんによるユニット“ゆいかおり”のバースデースペシャルライブ「INTRODUCTION!!」が、2014年8月16日(土)にアイア
Reality and Virtual have their own uniqueness
siruth: Uesaka Sumire, Ogura Yui, and Ishihara Kaori From Seiyuu
echizenya-masuke: 2014年4月9日(水)にリリースされる“ゆいかおり”(小倉唯&石原夏織)のニューシングル「LUCKY
echizenya-masuke: パシフィコ横浜_ゆいかおり |
♡ゆいかおり♡Shiny Blue 店舗特典
♡ゆいかおり♡アニカン ウェィカッ!!
♡ゆいかおり♡アニカン Intro Situation
♡ゆいかおり♡アニカン Bunny
♡ゆいかおり♡PUPPY LOVE!!
♡ゆいかおり♡LUCKY DUCKY!! 店舗特典
♡ゆいかおり♡ウェィカッ!! 店舗特典
Reality and Virtual have their own uniqueness
Reality and Virtual have their own uniqueness
Reality and Virtual have their own uniqueness
Reality and Virtual have their own uniqueness
Reality and Virtual have their own uniqueness
Reality and Virtual have their own uniqueness
Reality and Virtual have their own uniqueness
Reality and Virtual have their own uniqueness
Reality and Virtual have their own uniqueness
Reality and Virtual have their own uniqueness
Reality and Virtual have their own uniqueness
Reality and Virtual have their own uniqueness
Reality and Virtual have their own uniqueness
Reality and Virtual have their own uniqueness
Reality and Virtual have their own uniqueness
Reality and Virtual have their own uniqueness
Reality and Virtual have their own uniqueness
Reality and Virtual have their own uniqueness
ha-n-to-u-me-i: 上坂すみれ 小倉唯 uesaka