Word of the day: nozzer
Word of the Day: Peroration
Word of the Day: Excogitate
Word of the Day: Caprice
Word of the Day: Pied
Word of the Day: Filiopietistic
Word of the Day: Crib
Word of the Day: Piacular
Word of the Day: Screed
Word of the Day: Canny
Word of the Day: Burled
Word of the Day: Auscultation
Word of the Day: Exoteric
Word of the Day: Cordate
Word of the Day: Vilipend
Word of the Day: Mammonism
Word of the Day: Hircine
Word of the Day: Flexuous
Word of the Day: Alembic
Word of the Day: Profluent
Word of the Day: Rutilant
Word of the Day: Pococurante
Word of the Day: Furcate
Word of the Day 2.0: Grangerize
Word of the Day: Esculent
Word of the Day: Antipode
Word of the Day: Remit
Word of the Day: Astringent
Word of the Day: Iniquitous
Word of the Day: Selcouth
Word of the Day: Brisance
Word of the Day: Vernal
Word of the Day: Moschate
Word of the Day: Adroit
Word of the Day: Cumulus
Dictionary.com’s word of the day ;D