visual-poetry: “deceptive outward appearance” by ole martin
visual-poetry: “deceptive outward appearance” by ole martin
visual-poetry: “how to spell the alphabet” by tauba auerbach
Visual poetry …
visual-poetry: »self portrait« by john fekner (+)[via johnfekner]
visual-poetry: by christian bök (+) & micah lexier (+)
visual-poetry: austria’s pavilion at the expo milano 2015[via]
visual-poetry: by timm ulrichs (+) [via]
visual-poetry: “the kiss” (2007) by maria anwander
visual-poetry: by chiara bolognesi
visual-poetry: »questo spazio non esiste« by michelangelo
visual-poetry: by john wood and paul harrison
visual-poetry: by josep maynou
visual-poetry:by cb hoyo
visual-poetry:»map of scars« by yornel martinez elias
visual-poetry: by kristin mciver (+)[via kristinmciver]
visual-poetry: “hehe” by anatol knotek a written textportrait
visual-poetry: »life« by anatol knotek[ homepage | tumblr
visual-poetry: »this« by maciej ratajski
visual-poetry: »mistapes« by anatol knotek (+) currently
visual-poetry: »the oxford student« took an interest in my
visual-poetry: »2 4get her SPECIAL EDITION 2014« by anatol
visual-poetry: »the intellect at work« by bob grumman[via]
visual-poetry: “concorde metro station in paris”
visual-poetry: »most americans« by zach urbina (+)
visual-poetry: »build me a bridge so i can get over you« by
visual-poetry: by jenny holzer (+)
visual-poetry: by jenny holzer (+)
visual-poetry: by juan arata
visual-poetry: by robert barry (+) “we have without a doubt
visual-poetry: »opening hours« by david shrigley (+)(at anton
visual-poetry:from the »honest stamps« series by dominic wilcox
visual-poetry: “the kiss” (2007) by maria anwander
visual-poetry: by nancy dwyer
visual-poetry: “here’s looking at you, kid” by anatol
visual-poetry: »applause« by mark melvin