Terra sketches by XenozoaPsychotic little girl with big ass hammer

Terra sketches by XenozoaPsychotic little girl with big ass hammer

Gift - Chelsea Grimsley by XenozoaOne of four gifts that I had

Gift - Chelsea Grimsley by XenozoaOne of four gifts that I had

GIft - Mio Yamoi by XenozoaRemember that mystery deviant I was

GIft - Mio Yamoi by XenozoaRemember that mystery deviant I was

Gift - Sari.EXE by XenozoaA gift for KrystalSharz of her OC that

Gift - Sari.EXE by XenozoaA gift for KrystalSharz of her OC that

Sketch dump 2 by XenozoaAnd a second sketch dump. Theme this

Sketch dump 2 by XenozoaAnd a second sketch dump. Theme this

Gift - Fiona by XenozoaThe OC Watcher Gift Project is nearing

Gift - Fiona by XenozoaThe OC Watcher Gift Project is nearing

Gift - Kumori by XenozoaAnd finally, the last drawing from the

Gift - Kumori by XenozoaAnd finally, the last drawing from the

Kawaiidesu! by XenozoaPlease don’t ask about the choice in

Kawaiidesu! by XenozoaPlease don’t ask about the choice in

Soulless - Coat of Arms by XenozoaAnd the coat of arms for both

Soulless - Coat of Arms by XenozoaAnd the coat of arms for both

Soulless - Emerald Queen’s Gear by XenozoaThe gear that the

Soulless - Emerald Queen’s Gear by XenozoaThe gear that the

Telling Tales 2 - Ten by XenozoaAnd now we have CafDee’s character

Telling Tales 2 - Ten by XenozoaAnd now we have CafDee’s character

Shadow Fang of Emerald by XenozoaSniper of Darkness, Shadow Fang:

Shadow Fang of Emerald by XenozoaSniper of Darkness, Shadow Fang:

A teaser for today’s character that I will post way later

A teaser for today’s character that I will post way later

Significant Pair 23A - Agnil and Adamantia by XenozoaRemember

Significant Pair 23A - Agnil and Adamantia by XenozoaRemember

Significant Pair 23B - Agnil and Adamantia by XenozoaAnd part

Significant Pair 23B - Agnil and Adamantia by XenozoaAnd part

Young Ryujihi by XenozoaHere’s a little something I did for

Young Ryujihi by XenozoaHere’s a little something I did for

Sketch Dump 7Been a while, no? Well, where to begin… I

Sketch Dump 7Been a while, no? Well, where to begin… I

Queen Sayuri by XenozoaAh… Time for a breath of fresh air.

Queen Sayuri by XenozoaAh… Time for a breath of fresh air.

Shade (First Concept) by Xenozoa  And to follow Tint’s

Shade (First Concept) by Xenozoa And to follow Tint’s

And now some Soulless related stuff. Hotaru Kabuki has an alt

And now some Soulless related stuff. Hotaru Kabuki has an alt

Godslayer - Lesser Lumen (NEW) by Xenozoa   Solar Demon, Lumen

Godslayer - Lesser Lumen (NEW) by Xenozoa Solar Demon, Lumen

Requests over at deviantART for Diamondxxstar, Sweetiebelle22,

Requests over at deviantART for Diamondxxstar, Sweetiebelle22,

Please, don’t ask. XDI was planning on doing something like

Please, don’t ask. XDI was planning on doing something like

Here’s this week’s character line-up! I’m not gonna say

Here’s this week’s character line-up! I’m not gonna say

And… here’s the individual dra… Previews. I was

And… here’s the individual dra… Previews. I was

Aggron Sketches by Xenozoa   Yup. Aggron sketches. Did you realize

Aggron Sketches by Xenozoa Yup. Aggron sketches. Did you realize

Sketch Dump 13  This sketch dump is brought to you by procrastination,

Sketch Dump 13 This sketch dump is brought to you by procrastination,

Sketch Dump 14  Here’s an extra sketch dump for today!

Sketch Dump 14 Here’s an extra sketch dump for today!

WIP - Alice by Xenozoa   Don’t mind me, just uploading

WIP - Alice by Xenozoa Don’t mind me, just uploading

Godslayer Preview 5 by Xenozoa   And here’s preview number

Godslayer Preview 5 by Xenozoa And here’s preview number

Sketch Dump 21  Time for another sketch dump! This time? More

Sketch Dump 21 Time for another sketch dump! This time? More

Sketch Dump 25  Is it that time again already? Whew… The

Sketch Dump 25 Is it that time again already? Whew… The

Godslayer Preview 7 by Xenozoa   Sorry to keep you waiting! I

Godslayer Preview 7 by Xenozoa Sorry to keep you waiting! I

Soulless - Maria Alexandria by Xenozoa   I gotta show the other

Soulless - Maria Alexandria by Xenozoa I gotta show the other

Sketch Dump 28 by XenozoaI know I said that sketch dumps won’t

Sketch Dump 28 by XenozoaI know I said that sketch dumps won’t

Soulless - Queen Mariah Adamantia by Xenozoa    I really liked

Soulless - Queen Mariah Adamantia by Xenozoa I really liked