Dear Mike,Hey there big brother. How’s college life? Sorry
Dear Anon,I’m sorry to hear you are hurting because of
Dear Naps, sorry I wasn’t nicer to you in kindergarten
dear-and-sweetie-ask-blog: “I love our blog and I’m
Dear Tumblr asks and fanmail. Fix yourself. Sorry to anyone
dear heart, sorry for all the damage.
dear heart, sorry for all the damage.
dear heart, sorry for all the damage.
dear heart, sorry for all the damage.
dear heart, sorry for all the damage.
dear heart, sorry for all the damage.
dear heart, sorry for all the damage.
dear heart, sorry for all the damage.
dear heart, sorry for all the damage.
dear heart, sorry for all the damage.
dear heart, sorry for all the damage.
dear heart, sorry for all the damage.
dear god. i….i’m so sorry. look away. this is too intense
Sorry for the hannibal spam, dear followers, but it’s just
Dear Mom and Dad, This is what happiness looks like. Sorry you
Dear Liver, I’m sorry in advance for whatever happens tonight.
dear all boys: having a tummy is better than a six pack sorry
Dear Mum & Dad Sorry For Failing You.
Dear adults, I don’t understand what your infatuation with
Dear Taylor Swift, I'm Sorry For My Sexism
dear stranger-sorry, i wanted to talk to you, but i have social
dear-carmen: I just couldn’t resist, sorry T-T’
Dear everywhere in America besides California: I’m sorry
Dear naps, I’m sorry for hating you when I was younger…
Dear God, Please forgive me. Please guide me through all these
dear-melina-count-me-in: duce-juice: cl0thes0ff: don’t even
dear heart, sorry for all the damage.
dear heart, sorry for all the damage.
dear heart, sorry for all the damage.
dear heart, sorry for all the damage.