So… I’m trying to be kinda funny instead of just
So you thought you could come down here and convince my girls
So many thoughts….
Some days I feel like this. So much raw, frenetic energy and
So, some days I really feel like an adult (working a lot, not
So many thoughts
So I’m working on the next update for my pony OC blog (prom,
I like tesla coils a lot
I don’t understand when people are like “omg they’re
So I’ve been trying to figure out what Pearl is saying
So, like, I really never thought to actually look at Pearl’s
You know its funny…you see alotta young dudes that are
some of the young females nowadays really need to stop killing
my thoughts on ferguson: some ppl have gotten to a point where
this is for all the ppl who keep saying “this that and
see…this is what i dont understand… why does it
whenever i see or hear someone say something like “oohh
you know what really grinds my gears? when people say stuff like
dontcha just love those days at work where you just focus on
my thoughts on the grammys: song of the year shouldve been despacito.
you know its funny. its usually the ppl who say things like “oohh
alright ppl. once again…for the unteenth time its time
so since today is national mental health awareness day…I
so Ig recently said theyre going to test getting rid of likes.
yk its funny. its usually the ppl who say things like “oohh
First thought, Best thought.
So Many Thoughts
So you thought since Barack Obama became President that racism
So, last story night I finally said it out loud … I haven’t
just-shower-thoughts: You know you’re an adult when you finally
The worst part about purgatory is the wait.Because you can’t
So. Many. Thoughts.
So fucking horny because life is the only one that fucks me.
So this popped up on Reddit and I immediately thought of you.
So like...
So you thought you were going to get you a little race war. Didn’t