I’m miserable.I don’t like seeing other people successful

I’m miserable.I don’t like seeing other people successful

I started an antidepressant again yesterday and I remember the

I started an antidepressant again yesterday and I remember the

My mom told me just now, “I know I’ve asked before,

My mom told me just now, “I know I’ve asked before,

I went to the cat shelter again just now. I met a few more cats.

I went to the cat shelter again just now. I met a few more cats.

I wanted to go see Tim again today!  …But my car was still

I wanted to go see Tim again today! …But my car was still

I feel like I am once again suddenly in existence on this plane,

I feel like I am once again suddenly in existence on this plane,

I’m quite certain my subconscious wants me to be a writer

I’m quite certain my subconscious wants me to be a writer

Suicidal again….

Suicidal again….

I’m in my hometown again and oh no it’s Dean  Don’t

I’m in my hometown again and oh no it’s Dean Don’t

Gabrielle is getting more and more vocal to the point where tonight,

Gabrielle is getting more and more vocal to the point where tonight,

Gabrielle went for my eye again

Gabrielle went for my eye again

Pros and cons of going out to same bar again tonight

Pros and cons of going out to same bar again tonight

It’s tough keeping Gabri out of my room and it’s

It’s tough keeping Gabri out of my room and it’s

I am looking, because this was supposed to be a bridge job where

I am looking, because this was supposed to be a bridge job where

Still thinking about fucking the DM again, it has the potential

Still thinking about fucking the DM again, it has the potential

mild tmi below again

mild tmi below again

I’m thinking about him more. I am like 98% sure I want

I’m thinking about him more. I am like 98% sure I want

I really almost felt that it has been so long since I had started

I really almost felt that it has been so long since I had started

Day 4? I lost trackthis is objectively terribble I feel terrible

Day 4? I lost trackthis is objectively terribble I feel terrible

Oh my God. I never want to do a day like today again. Since we

Oh my God. I never want to do a day like today again. Since we

Work stressI aint gonna type out the bullshit that was work yesterday

Work stressI aint gonna type out the bullshit that was work yesterday

All caught up on the Phoenix Wright Kink Meme update page again

All caught up on the Phoenix Wright Kink Meme update page again

I want to take you out to dinner tonight. I’m not going

I want to take you out to dinner tonight. I’m not going

Damn Neil hurry up and get a different fucking job already so

Damn Neil hurry up and get a different fucking job already so

Why am I so ADD with my hobbiesI spent an hour imagining dance

Why am I so ADD with my hobbiesI spent an hour imagining dance

!!!! Gabrielle shut herself in the closet again! How?! How does

!!!! Gabrielle shut herself in the closet again! How?! How does

Waiting for the snow to clear and the weather to warm so I can

Waiting for the snow to clear and the weather to warm so I can

Oh my God.  I am driving myself crazy.  I just want to be able

Oh my God.  I am driving myself crazy.  I just want to be able

I can’t remember if I’ve mentioned this yet. I’ve

I can’t remember if I’ve mentioned this yet. I’ve

high-key once again wish I had disposable income to throw at

high-key once again wish I had disposable income to throw at

i am simultaneously very ready to go off and rant for hours about

i am simultaneously very ready to go off and rant for hours about

I realized that I’d been searching for happiness in the

I realized that I’d been searching for happiness in the

Another outfit of the day (that just so happens to be with my

Another outfit of the day (that just so happens to be with my

Lately I haven’t been up to posting any OOTD’s. I

Lately I haven’t been up to posting any OOTD’s. I

Damn boy, after all those times we spent cuddling, you got me

Damn boy, after all those times we spent cuddling, you got me

Sorry for the selfie spams again

Sorry for the selfie spams again