she’s been my muse since i met her october 28th 2007 she

she’s been my muse since i met her october 28th 2007 she

Send me "Hot Damn" if my muse gets yours hot and bothered

Send me "Hot Damn" if my muse gets yours hot and bothered

Send me "Sexy" and my muse will dress up for you

Send me "Sexy" and my muse will dress up for you

Send me a √ if you have ever wanted to cuddle my muse.

Send me a √ if you have ever wanted to cuddle my muse.

Send me a ?! for my muses reaction to yours slipping their hand

Send me a ?! for my muses reaction to yours slipping their hand

Send me a ♠ for my muse's reaction to walking in on yours masturbating.

Send me a ♠ for my muse's reaction to walking in on yours masturbating.

Send me one and see how my muse reacts.

Send me one and see how my muse reacts.

Send me §, for my muse's reaction to your's slowly slipping

Send me §, for my muse's reaction to your's slowly slipping

Send me ☃ for my muse's reaction to yours throwing a snowball

Send me ☃ for my muse's reaction to yours throwing a snowball

Send me "☎" and my Muse will answer the phone drunk.

Send me "☎" and my Muse will answer the phone drunk.

Send me ‡ for my muse's reaction to yours climbing in the tub

Send me ‡ for my muse's reaction to yours climbing in the tub

Send me a 'Shut up' for my muse to kiss yours.

Send me a 'Shut up' for my muse to kiss yours.

Send me a ♠ for my muse's reaction to walking in on yours masturbating.

Send me a ♠ for my muse's reaction to walking in on yours masturbating.

Send me a ❖ and my muse will kiss yours

Send me a ❖ and my muse will kiss yours

Send me 'Huh?' and my muse will talk to yours in another language.

Send me 'Huh?' and my muse will talk to yours in another language.

Send me "black bird" for a darker memory of my muse's past

Send me "black bird" for a darker memory of my muse's past

Send me a  ♠ for a confession from my muse to yours

Send me a ♠ for a confession from my muse to yours

Send me a ◙ with a character and my muse and I'll tell you

Send me a ◙ with a character and my muse and I'll tell you

Send me "NO!!" for the last words/thoughts from my muse as they

Send me "NO!!" for the last words/thoughts from my muse as they

Send me "Awaken, Beast" and my muse will show yours their dark

Send me "Awaken, Beast" and my muse will show yours their dark



Send me "You're all mine, Lover!" For my muse's reaction to your's

Send me "You're all mine, Lover!" For my muse's reaction to your's

Send me a ?! for my muses reaction to yours slipping their hand

Send me a ?! for my muses reaction to yours slipping their hand

Send me "Just for tonight" for my muse's reaction to yours asking

Send me "Just for tonight" for my muse's reaction to yours asking

Send me a ▒ and my muse has to kiss yours.

Send me a ▒ and my muse has to kiss yours.

Send me a 🍦 for my muse's reaction to you licking their ice

Send me a 🍦 for my muse's reaction to you licking their ice

Send me, "I had a sex dream about you last night," to see how

Send me, "I had a sex dream about you last night," to see how

Send me your headcanons/ships involving my muse.

Send me your headcanons/ships involving my muse.

Send me "What's wrong?" And my muse will tell yours why they

Send me "What's wrong?" And my muse will tell yours why they

Send me V***V and my muse will bite yours specify where for bonus~

Send me V***V and my muse will bite yours specify where for bonus~

Send me, "So... you wanna make out?" to see how my muse reacts.

Send me, "So... you wanna make out?" to see how my muse reacts.

Send “Stay behind me” for my muse’s reaction to yours gently

Send “Stay behind me” for my muse’s reaction to yours gently

Send me a ♐ for my muses reaction to yours pointing a gun at

Send me a ♐ for my muses reaction to yours pointing a gun at

My muse has recently been in an accident that has left them blind.

My muse has recently been in an accident that has left them blind.

My Muse is dying. Send me “I’m here” to hear their last

My Muse is dying. Send me “I’m here” to hear their last

My Musings

My Musings