I just can’t stand some fandom (mis)interpretations of

I just can’t stand some fandom (mis)interpretations of

 the-introverted-salamander replied to your post:    omg i totally

the-introverted-salamander replied to your post: omg i totally

gUYs ok you’re all very cute and I like your photos but

gUYs ok you’re all very cute and I like your photos but

  natevarmac replied to your post:   Do Italians have their euro

natevarmac replied to your post: Do Italians have their euro

  englishjakes replied to your post:Namco high also costs money.

englishjakes replied to your post:Namco high also costs money.

so you know I’ve been in Rome for the past days and there

so you know I’ve been in Rome for the past days and there

  gemiiniis replied to your post:What’s the weather like

gemiiniis replied to your post:What’s the weather like

  Gamzee fucking Makara. That’s the answer.  yeah but I don’t

Gamzee fucking Makara. That’s the answer. yeah but I don’t

  seraphiana replied to your post:I would love to see some kill

seraphiana replied to your post:I would love to see some kill

ok but I still like some of those pics I guess hahah

ok but I still like some of those pics I guess hahah

  iceworks replied to your post:ok but I still like some of those

iceworks replied to your post:ok but I still like some of those

 @bewitchingcougar said: sometimes the driver stops working when

@bewitchingcougar said: sometimes the driver stops working when

sighss I don’t want to be biased towards these people I

sighss I don’t want to be biased towards these people I

 @holyshitfreudvikings said: The ///// is what you do when you

@holyshitfreudvikings said: The ///// is what you do when you

 alkalinebutterfly said: people think he changed his race, but

alkalinebutterfly said: people think he changed his race, but

  randompebble replied to your post:Five nights at gravity falls

randompebble replied to your post:Five nights at gravity falls

 stevewashereyesterday said: I spent like 20 minutes looking

stevewashereyesterday said: I spent like 20 minutes looking

 @error302 said: you know, with your personality and skill, have

@error302 said: you know, with your personality and skill, have

SO I opened my Patreon today and you guys can take a look at

SO I opened my Patreon today and you guys can take a look at

by the way I was thinking of updating some of the mugs designs,

by the way I was thinking of updating some of the mugs designs,

SO since there are still several people wanting to commission

SO since there are still several people wanting to commission

 linustorvalds said: no prob!! it depends on art style too„

linustorvalds said: no prob!! it depends on art style too„

@kurikurimix49 reblogged this from you and added:fight like a

@kurikurimix49 reblogged this from you and added:fight like a

hhh I feel kinda bad most of my pictures these past weeks have

hhh I feel kinda bad most of my pictures these past weeks have

mann I feel like I should really stop even browsing around tumblr

mann I feel like I should really stop even browsing around tumblr

free worldwide shipping on society6 today ends at midnight PT!mugs

free worldwide shipping on society6 today ends at midnight PT!mugs

I haven’t put new stuff in the store in a while soif there

I haven’t put new stuff in the store in a while soif there

it’s like the paperplane got so fed up with tumblr it’s leaving

it’s like the paperplane got so fed up with tumblr it’s leaving

I don’t feel like finishing many of my pics rn so if you guys

I don’t feel like finishing many of my pics rn so if you guys

just found out Watership Down is getting a new cartoon adaptation??

just found out Watership Down is getting a new cartoon adaptation??

psst any funny (or not) suggestions about Su, voltron or pkmn

psst any funny (or not) suggestions about Su, voltron or pkmn

I’m looking into putting some stickers on redbubble and would

I’m looking into putting some stickers on redbubble and would

do you ever see someone wearing a shirt with something written

do you ever see someone wearing a shirt with something written

the rose drawing wasn’t supposed to be into the same post as

the rose drawing wasn’t supposed to be into the same post as

whenever I see someone talking shit about me I’m like here

whenever I see someone talking shit about me I’m like here

anyway, I’m kinda late to say this this but I’ve been planning

anyway, I’m kinda late to say this this but I’ve been planning