rhamphotheca: Norwegian artist creates installations in which
hifructosemag: littlelimpstiff14u2: Street Art from around
knowyourdarkness: IMGP0970_3 (by Hi-Fructose Magazine)
Gino Rubert’s Salome | Hi-Fructose
ex0skeletal: (via A Shattering World in Photos by Robert and
hifructosemag: Ma Jing Hu uses the styles of the European old
hifructosemag: Elif Varol Ergen’s new work speaks to anxiety
hifructosemag: Mark Ryden’s long-anticipated solo show “The
hifructosemag: Mu Pan presents stupendously detailed new paintings
hifructosemag: Frida Kahlo, Mexico’s most famous woman artist
ellosphere: Enter the Hi-Fructose x Ello Emerging Artist Showcase.
ex0skeletal: (via Preview: Chet Zar’s “All Hallows’ Eve”
hifructosemag: Ishibashi Yui’s work depicts nature as a force
#reblog http://littlelimpstiff14u2.tumblr.com/ Beth Cavener
ex0skeletal: (via The Disintegrating Sculptures of Valerie Hegarty
ex0skeletal: (via Ceramic Figurines With a Gory Twist by Jessica
ex0skeletal: (via Alex Konahin’s Intensely Ornate Illustrations
hifructosemag: Insa’s latest GIF-iti piece in Paris was created
mudwerks: (via R. Freymuth-Frazier’s Unsettling, Erotic Oil