Tora Banana by Asaki Takayuki A Hyakko yuri doujin that contains

Tora Banana by Asaki Takayuki A Hyakko yuri doujin that contains

Soul Impact 3 by Bakuretsu fusen A Soul Calibur yuri doujin that

Soul Impact 3 by Bakuretsu fusen A Soul Calibur yuri doujin that

Dynasty Warriors 2 A Dynasty Warriors doujinshi which contains

Dynasty Warriors 2 A Dynasty Warriors doujinshi which contains

Ura Youkoso, Seitokai e! by Akoko Code Geass Yuri doujin that

Ura Youkoso, Seitokai e! by Akoko Code Geass Yuri doujin that

Sex Desire Student Council Contains schoolgirls, bondange, femdom,

Sex Desire Student Council Contains schoolgirls, bondange, femdom,

Deep Blue by Gurumepeppo Aria doujinshi. First half is yuri,

Deep Blue by Gurumepeppo Aria doujinshi. First half is yuri,

Byouin Kamen Chapter 2 and 4 by Watanabe Yoshimasa Mostly hetero.

Byouin Kamen Chapter 2 and 4 by Watanabe Yoshimasa Mostly hetero.

Nodocchi Cooking Show by Rotary Engine Saki yuri doujin. Contains

Nodocchi Cooking Show by Rotary Engine Saki yuri doujin. Contains

Wicchi kuuchuu san kaiten   Paper by Koume Keito Strike Witches

Wicchi kuuchuu san kaiten Paper by Koume Keito Strike Witches

Everyone’s Sister Chapter 4 by O.RI Doujin is hetero. Picked

Everyone’s Sister Chapter 4 by O.RI Doujin is hetero. Picked

Aria the Aquamarine by Maidoll Aria yuri doujin. Contains masturbation,

Aria the Aquamarine by Maidoll Aria yuri doujin. Contains masturbation,

Magical Kanan Summer Episode 2 Mostly hetero and contains tentacles.

Magical Kanan Summer Episode 2 Mostly hetero and contains tentacles.

Kansen 2 - Inzai Toshi Episode 2 Mostly hetero series. Yuri contains

Kansen 2 - Inzai Toshi Episode 2 Mostly hetero series. Yuri contains

Slave Proclamation by Crimson Comics Eyeshield 21 yuri doujin

Slave Proclamation by Crimson Comics Eyeshield 21 yuri doujin

ARISA Episode 1 Mostly hetero series. Begins as rape but becomes

ARISA Episode 1 Mostly hetero series. Begins as rape but becomes

Venesse by Uge Man Steel Angel Kurumi yuri doujin. Contains maid,

Venesse by Uge Man Steel Angel Kurumi yuri doujin. Contains maid,

Sweet & Bitter - The Upperclassman Fourth Story by Kaori

Sweet & Bitter - The Upperclassman Fourth Story by Kaori

Hard S Chapter 4 by Kurono Masakado An original doujin with a

Hard S Chapter 4 by Kurono Masakado An original doujin with a

The Manken Club, Like Whirlwind and Surge Waves!! Chapter 10

The Manken Club, Like Whirlwind and Surge Waves!! Chapter 10

Yui Shop 2 No. 26 by Yui Toshiki An original that contains full

Yui Shop 2 No. 26 by Yui Toshiki An original that contains full

KAISHAKU P3P by Kaishaku Person 3 yuri doujin that contains large

KAISHAKU P3P by Kaishaku Person 3 yuri doujin that contains large

A Certain Flat-Chested Railgun Book by Irotenshi To aru Kagaku

A Certain Flat-Chested Railgun Book by Irotenshi To aru Kagaku

DX Deluxe Chuuka Sanmai by Mou ii Desu Ranma ½ yuri doujin

DX Deluxe Chuuka Sanmai by Mou ii Desu Ranma ½ yuri doujin

Trouble Shoukougun by Chinpudo To Love-Ru yuri doujin that contains

Trouble Shoukougun by Chinpudo To Love-Ru yuri doujin that contains

Electric Erection by Peθ Strike Witches yuri doujin that contains

Electric Erection by Peθ Strike Witches yuri doujin that contains

Strawberry Factory Chapter 1 by OKAWARI An original yuri doujin

Strawberry Factory Chapter 1 by OKAWARI An original yuri doujin

Nande Misurano 2 by Kezukuroi Kissa Final Fantasy XI yuri doujin

Nande Misurano 2 by Kezukuroi Kissa Final Fantasy XI yuri doujin

Usagi to Tanuki by Transistor Baby Kanon yuri doujin contains

Usagi to Tanuki by Transistor Baby Kanon yuri doujin contains

Joshi no Himegoto by tico Sengoku Basara yuri doujin contains

Joshi no Himegoto by tico Sengoku Basara yuri doujin contains

Bondage Fairies Extreme Chapter 4 by KONDOM An original yuri

Bondage Fairies Extreme Chapter 4 by KONDOM An original yuri

Migurui 1 by Raijinkai The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya yuri

Migurui 1 by Raijinkai The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya yuri

Bondage Fairies Extreme Chapter 11 by KONDOM An original yuri

Bondage Fairies Extreme Chapter 11 by KONDOM An original yuri

Bondage Fairies Extreme Chapter 14 by KONDOM An original yuri

Bondage Fairies Extreme Chapter 14 by KONDOM An original yuri

duet by Hiyohiyo An original yuri h-manga chapter that contains

duet by Hiyohiyo An original yuri h-manga chapter that contains

Happy Holiday by Kurionesha First part only. Second part contains

Happy Holiday by Kurionesha First part only. Second part contains

NekoNeko Rank D by ROUTE1 An Idolm@ster yuri doujin that contains

NekoNeko Rank D by ROUTE1 An Idolm@ster yuri doujin that contains