Just in time for the weekend
Gettin’ shorter every time
Next time just give me cash
Works every time
Next time try Texas
Time to take a detour
Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time
Is there a better time?
The times they are a-changing
The whole town needs ice time, eh?
He’s never been one to waste time
Hammer time
These weeks are getting longer all the time
I can smell the good times coming
And they’re having a very bad time
Ooooh, what did they do this time?
Only a couple of times
Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time
All this time I thought she just had natural curls …
Just in time for Easter
Just take it one day at a time
This is one of those times when a little punctuation would help
Enough tests for the time being
Looks like he lost his head this time
Next time I’ll just ask myself
Summer, time to shed the fur
Things got nastier as time progressed
Good timing, I was gettin’ tired
Don’t waste your time tryin’
At the appropriate time of day, of course
The smell of good times
C’mon, times a-wastin’
Next time begins around noon
Plenty of time left
Dessert’s gonna be a long time comin’
Party time at the Taxidermy Corral