Day 12 - Favorite yaoi voice actor.

Day 12 - Favorite yaoi voice actor.

Day 12) Things you want to say to an ex

Day 12) Things you want to say to an ex

Day 12 - How you found out about Tumblr and why you made one

Day 12 - How you found out about Tumblr and why you made one

day 12: 5 guys whom you find attractive

day 12: 5 guys whom you find attractive

Day 12. recommend a tumblr blog that you like - Miss Kristy Scarpa

Day 12. recommend a tumblr blog that you like - Miss Kristy Scarpa

Day 12- Your relationship with your parents

Day 12- Your relationship with your parents

Day 12: the best advice you’ve ever heard, or ever been given

Day 12: the best advice you’ve ever heard, or ever been given

{Day 12 - Whatever Tickles Your Fancy} TRASHCAT IS NEVER AMUSED.

{Day 12 - Whatever Tickles Your Fancy} TRASHCAT IS NEVER AMUSED.

newlychasted:  Day 12…I haven’t had an orgasm, or an erection

newlychasted: Day 12…I haven’t had an orgasm, or an erection

day 12 of Inktober!  Freddy Fazbear Rule 63 and Humanized! Hope

day 12 of Inktober!  Freddy Fazbear Rule 63 and Humanized! Hope

Day 12, thanks to everyone who came out to this weekend’s shows.

Day 12, thanks to everyone who came out to this weekend’s shows.

Day 12. Wolf girl (Tirsiak) from the endless mode of Spooky’s

Day 12. Wolf girl (Tirsiak) from the endless mode of Spooky’s

day 12 shattered??? im tired 2 dayyy

day 12 shattered??? im tired 2 dayyy

Day 12 - Emperor

Day 12 - Emperor

12 - A Song From a Band That You HateAkon - Right Now (Na Na

12 - A Song From a Band That You HateAkon - Right Now (Na Na

newlychasted:  Day 12…I haven’t had an orgasm, or an erection

newlychasted: Day 12…I haven’t had an orgasm, or an erection

12 am Eastern time

12 am Eastern time

The days when crew wore flannel shirts in the AC…

The days when crew wore flannel shirts in the AC…

the days of plastic sails.

the days of plastic sails.

Day 12: Happy Sunday, May the 4th be with you! #100happydays

Day 12: Happy Sunday, May the 4th be with you! #100happydays

Day 12 — The person you hate most/caused you a lot of pain

Day 12 — The person you hate most/caused you a lot of pain

12/20-21/14:dinner at chateau de dove

12/20-21/14:dinner at chateau de dove

day 12 august 3

day 12 august 3

Been puttin of losing weight cause I’ve worked 7 days straight

Been puttin of losing weight cause I’ve worked 7 days straight

Day 12: beautiful sight. My chiropractors office. They have helped

Day 12: beautiful sight. My chiropractors office. They have helped

Day 12 with my personal trainer @rosado_adri she was laughing

Day 12 with my personal trainer @rosado_adri she was laughing

day 12, something you are currently worried about

day 12, something you are currently worried about

Day 12- How you found out about Tumblr and why you made one

Day 12- How you found out about Tumblr and why you made one

Day 12: How many Asian friends you have

Day 12: How many Asian friends you have

day 12: patterns.

day 12: patterns.

last day to post / send nudes!!!!

last day to post / send nudes!!!!

 Day 12 – a song from a band you hate A Millie by Lil’

Day 12 – a song from a band you hate A Millie by Lil’

dis-spoopy-boi:She’s a 10, but fantasizes about your dick being

dis-spoopy-boi:She’s a 10, but fantasizes about your dick being

So tired of this shit… Just had the two longest days everrr

So tired of this shit… Just had the two longest days everrr

Day 12 - favourite Ice Type I AM OPEN FOR COMMISSIONS, CLICK

Day 12 - favourite Ice Type I AM OPEN FOR COMMISSIONS, CLICK

12:56 minutes of lustful bliss

12:56 minutes of lustful bliss