Sexier then a yacht-full of Playmates…
Curves and confidence. A rare blend…
Plus-size x 2. Glorious, no?
The hairstyle alone is a work of art…
Is it a satin bow-tie or a super-sized egg cup?…
Most guys wouldn’t look twice. *Their loss, right?…
A figure-study worthy of Johannes Vermeer…And what a figure??
Not all gamers are nerds…
No words needed…
So much to love…
Another curvy damsel who’s too shy to show all, but her
Even poor lighting can’t spoil the beautiful landscape…
Natural wonders of the world…
Just remember to breathe…
And it all fits into one lens… ❤❤
Mature, plus-sized, glasses, and bountiful boobs. Does it *get
Glasses do not define you. Wow.
Whoever made a bra that strong should build all our roads?!
One of the most tasteful, yet sensual homages to the full-figured
There are girls with figures, then there are *women like this.
Beautifully black and lusciously curvy, and *still hard to find
Redhead, softly curvy, and glorious boobs. Sexy enough for ya??
Nobody rocks lingerie like a curvy girl!…
Sublime… ❤
A luscious, full-cream figure, and glasses. Superb!…
If generous booties are ‘Junk in the trunk,’ this
The fulsome Miss Kiki Kakuchi. Of the rest you are already aware…
Katrin Porto. Rubenesque splendor perfected…
You wouldn’t sleep much…
Magnificent! But why spoil it with shoes?
A plus-size figure is so much more alluring…however you
The only thing sexier than a plus-size girl…
This belongs in a gold frame, behind velvet ropes…
Round and proud. And with good reason!…
Miss Kiki Kakuchi. Je t'adore…