drarna: i may not be your cup of tea but i’m your 10th shot
drarna: i may not be your cup of tea but i’m your 10th shot
drarna: i may not be your cup of tea but i’m your 10th shot
drarna: i may not be your cup of tea but i’m your 10th shot
drarna: i may not be your cup of tea but i’m your 10th shot
drarna: i may not be your cup of tea but i’m your 10th shot
drarna: i may not be your cup of tea but i’m your 10th shot
drarna: i may not be your cup of tea but i’m your 10th shot
drarna: i may not be your cup of tea but i’m your 10th shot
drarna: i may not be your cup of tea but i’m your 10th shot
drarna: i may not be your cup of tea but i’m your 10th shot
drarna: i may not be your cup of tea but i’m your 10th shot
drarna: i may not be your cup of tea but i’m your 10th shot
drarna: i may not be your cup of tea but i’m your 10th shot
drarna: i may not be your cup of tea but i’m your 10th shot
drarna: i may not be your cup of tea but i’m your 10th shot
drarna: i may not be your cup of tea but i’m your 10th shot
drarna: i may not be your cup of tea but i’m your 10th shot
drarna: i may not be your cup of tea but i’m your 10th shot
i may not be your cup of tea but i’m your 10th shot of tequila