You were happy that your boss had invited your wife; happy until

You were happy that your boss had invited your wife; happy until

His boss told him that he wanted to fuck his wife and he agreed

His boss told him that he wanted to fuck his wife and he agreed

Baby, your boss really knows how to treat a woman, how to transform

Baby, your boss really knows how to treat a woman, how to transform

You felt a bit uneasy when you saw your female boss trying to

You felt a bit uneasy when you saw your female boss trying to

You froze when you walked into your boss fondling your wife’s

You froze when you walked into your boss fondling your wife’s

You wish you were as dominant as your wife’s boss, that you

You wish you were as dominant as your wife’s boss, that you

You not only saw your wife ready to take your boss’ cock, not

You not only saw your wife ready to take your boss’ cock, not

Shortly after your wife said that she knew that you were the

Shortly after your wife said that she knew that you were the

The worst was when your boss told your wife, “tell your

The worst was when your boss told your wife, “tell your

I even asked him several times, “for whom are you shaving

I even asked him several times, “for whom are you shaving

Her boss blamed your wife for your reluctance to ask him to fuck

Her boss blamed your wife for your reluctance to ask him to fuck

Didn’t I told you that allowing your wife to wear that

Didn’t I told you that allowing your wife to wear that

Your boss knew that your wife was ready to submit to him and

Your boss knew that your wife was ready to submit to him and

As your wife slowly descended the stairs, your boss whispered

As your wife slowly descended the stairs, your boss whispered

 As your wife slowly descended the stairs, your boss whispered

As your wife slowly descended the stairs, your boss whispered

You were waiting to have breakfast with your wife’s boss

You were waiting to have breakfast with your wife’s boss

You were completely stunned when your female boss showed you

You were completely stunned when your female boss showed you

Your boss told you in a low voice, “I’ve noticed that your

Your boss told you in a low voice, “I’ve noticed that your

So, honey, you don’t really fantasize about watching your

So, honey, you don’t really fantasize about watching your

Your boss told you in a low voice, “I’ve noticed that your

Your boss told you in a low voice, “I’ve noticed that your

In a public place, in front of you, the very moment you met your

In a public place, in front of you, the very moment you met your

Your boss not only made you watch, he told you, “always

Your boss not only made you watch, he told you, “always

Yes, honey, if you want me to, I can tell my boss that you are

Yes, honey, if you want me to, I can tell my boss that you are

This is the image of your wife that remains in your mind …

This is the image of your wife that remains in your mind …

Your boss not only got your wife to admit that her pussy was

Your boss not only got your wife to admit that her pussy was

While your wife was away on a ‘business trip’ with

While your wife was away on a ‘business trip’ with

Honey, now that you have driven me to my boss’ house, why

Honey, now that you have driven me to my boss’ house, why

You immediately noticed that your wife was on a business trip

You immediately noticed that your wife was on a business trip

Honey, now I can tell you why my boss wants to talk to you. He’s

Honey, now I can tell you why my boss wants to talk to you. He’s

You immediately noticed that your wife liked your boss. The worst

You immediately noticed that your wife liked your boss. The worst

I loved when I was close to climax and totally under your boss’

I loved when I was close to climax and totally under your boss’

Did you truly believe your wife when she said, “my boss

Did you truly believe your wife when she said, “my boss

What could humble you more than hearing your wife’s best

What could humble you more than hearing your wife’s best

- Honey, you are so beautiful … you always look so sweet

- Honey, you are so beautiful … you always look so sweet

I love sex with him, the body shaking climaxes …  I love

I love sex with him, the body shaking climaxes …  I love

Your boss’ secretary likes to taunt you. She tells you,

Your boss’ secretary likes to taunt you. She tells you,