Randy Orton THE MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fuck you John Cena!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Rock’s “Strudel”
ambreignstrain: “Hey, baby tonight, the champ buys the beers!”
tmaarckrapf: New NXT CHAMP!
xpunkspirationx: CM Punk Starts Over: Inside His UFC Reinvention
slayjaylee: Best of “5 Questions With The Champ” 10/?
loving-wwe: The future World Champ.
ambreigns-train: The champ is here. Dean Ambrose. TLC 13
extremeviki54:Get well soon, Champ!
oncetwiceandoveragain: Seth Rollins is the champ and remains
thebayleyclub: charlottewwe: My dream team! @wwecesaro @wwesheamus
rollinsdaily: The Champ takes his Madden 17 Championship home!
deidrelovessheamus: Champ taking all-comers…come have a go
i-am-fearless83: KO:“We’ll all be champs again.” Charlotte
Ambrose was definitely the star of that match. And all that matters
What in the actual just happened?! Orton?! No! I want D-Bry to
Yesssss! He retains!! Great match! Still champ!!
I miss him in his NO days but love him in his YES days. 👊👑
mateocalamity: jack-aka-randomboobguy: Can’t wait to see