“Hopefully, someone’s coming…”
Sasha Grey
Simple beauty. As in Zen: “Who is the one that makes the
Table dance!
At an amanita mushroom party this is called “the passing
Two priestesses kneeling beside the holy source.
Party like it’s 1980 something! Pee on the sheepskin rug!
Party on her yacht - she delivers the champagne in an appropriate
Pee bubbles levitating through space!
Getting the party started…
Getting ready to party, up there and down there…
Having the coffee spiced up. When she’ll drink it, she’s
Tonight at Urodisco: Lecture & Drinks.
At Urodisco, you can have a refill right away…
Tina Fey says: “I’ll drink yours if you drink mine…”
This is just - wow!
Sadie @ Abby Winters
Bea @ Abby Winters, watering her flowers…
“I’ve kinda got really horny from striding here through
Coffee Brown - UroDisco’s Honorary President and beloved
Sometimes I just invite a bunch of guys, give them a lot to drink
Sometimes I climb a tree right next to where the workers go take
Truly golden!
Next up on Miley’s path to kinkdom?
The Extended Pee 69, with some of the best Nipissing ever! (stills
sleazygifs: Naughty Alysha pissing on Roxy Raye
Spreading it wide and filling up the bowl for everyone to share…
Honestly, I can never look as cute as I look when someone’s
UroDisco, Invitation to the Futurama Theme Party.
“Wow - everybody’s having sex with my feet!”
And you don’t stop!
UroDisco is celebrating 1500 followers on Tumblr - with the most
You can’t beat the feeling! Life tastes good! Look for
Adding a Sparkle of Life… (taken from Mistica’s