My new headcanon is that now that Dirk is a Prince, all his horses
==> Karkat: Be that guy You know, that guy. The guy who’ll
They’re mating
5watt-litebulb: Jake Week Day 2: Shipping well, i wouldnt lie
whoops I made more
I should be slEEPING
oh boy
I dON’t feel like sleeping yet /draws some more
daydreamservant: this Jakey… please
even Jane dances better than m e
engage trickster mode more like engage twerking mode I’m
Roxy get away from tHERE
those outfits tho
she’s hERE!
pirate ships more like hell yeaaaa on other news Meenah is still
they were too cute, I had to draw them 38)
I was just working on this picture aND then the updates came
gotta lead all those minions
I’m gome n ok but here’s a bonus uvu
haven’t drawn update stuff in a while haha
I BELIEEEVEEE I CAN FLYYYYY transparent for whatever need for
JOhn what do you mean maybe
your name is Aranea and you just want to have a role in this
trenchcoatbard reblogged your post: HOMESTUCK UPD8ED BUT IT
((worriedly screams about the updates)) I’m so late already
Anonymous : Could you draw blushing Jane from the update?
game over spider girl
I wanted to draw that pose thing eheh
dammit Caliborn
game over, kids
Caliborn that is so illegal