Violet Strand Vintage 40’s-era promo photo personalized to

Violet Strand Vintage 40’s-era promo photo personalized to

 Signed vintage 50’s-era promo photo of Fabulous Fanny..

Signed vintage 50’s-era promo photo of Fabulous Fanny..

 Justin Vain    (aka. Margie Anger) Vintage 40’s-era promo

Justin Vain    (aka. Margie Anger) Vintage 40’s-era promo

Ginger Lee    aka. “The Million Dollar Figure”.. Vintage

Ginger Lee    aka. “The Million Dollar Figure”.. Vintage

Sahji     (aka. Madeleine Jackson) Beautiful vintage 30’s-era

Sahji     (aka. Madeleine Jackson) Beautiful vintage 30’s-era

Rose La Rose     aka. “The Queen of Burlesque”..

Rose La Rose     aka. “The Queen of Burlesque”..

Gale Parker Vintage 50’s-era promo photo featuring the

Gale Parker Vintage 50’s-era promo photo featuring the

Dolores Greene Vintage promo photo dated from October of ‘31..

Dolores Greene Vintage promo photo dated from October of ‘31..

 Eve Arden A vintage promo photo dated from October of ‘39..

Eve Arden A vintage promo photo dated from October of ‘39..

 Gia-Mo (Huang) A vintage 50’s-era promo photo..

Gia-Mo (Huang) A vintage 50’s-era promo photo..

Blaze Starr      aka. “Miss Spontaneous Combustion”..

Blaze Starr      aka. “Miss Spontaneous Combustion”..

Lee Sharon Signed vintage 50’s-era promo photo..

Lee Sharon Signed vintage 50’s-era promo photo..

Winnie Garrett Vintage 50’s-era promo photo personalized: “To

Winnie Garrett Vintage 50’s-era promo photo personalized: “To

Flo Ash        aka. “The Cutest Little Nudist”..

Flo Ash        aka. “The Cutest Little Nudist”..

Delores Del Rey Vintage promo photo of this popular West Coast

Delores Del Rey Vintage promo photo of this popular West Coast

Lily Ayers   Seen here, in one of her “Lorali”

Lily Ayers   Seen here, in one of her “Lorali”

   Sally Rand Vintage 30’s-era hand-tinted promo photo personalized:

Sally Rand Vintage 30’s-era hand-tinted promo photo personalized:

   Julie Gibson      aka. “The Bashful Bride”.. Vintage

Julie Gibson      aka. “The Bashful Bride”.. Vintage

 Dixie Lee   Vintage promo photo personalized “To Louise”,

Dixie Lee Vintage promo photo personalized “To Louise”,

Yvette Dare Vintage 50’s-era promo photo featuring Ms. Dare

Yvette Dare Vintage 50’s-era promo photo featuring Ms. Dare

  Mae Brown Vintage promo photo dated from the early 1940’s..

Mae Brown Vintage promo photo dated from the early 1940’s..

Couchita Vintage promo photo dated from April of ‘43..

Couchita Vintage promo photo dated from April of ‘43..

Irma The Body      (aka. Mary Goodneighbor) An image from

Irma The Body      (aka. Mary Goodneighbor) An image from

 Naja Karamuru Beautiful early-60’s promo photo..

Naja Karamuru Beautiful early-60’s promo photo..

Tina Christine Vintage promo photo personalized to the mother

Tina Christine Vintage promo photo personalized to the mother

Lily Ayers On a piano top, posing for an early promo photo taken

Lily Ayers On a piano top, posing for an early promo photo taken

Rusty Russell     Water-damaged vintage 50’s-era promo photo

Rusty Russell    Water-damaged vintage 50’s-era promo photo

  Irma The Body      (aka. Mary Goodneighbor) Vintage promo

Irma The Body      (aka. Mary Goodneighbor) Vintage promo

Trudy Wayne Late-period 60’s promo photo..   

Trudy Wayne Late-period 60’s promo photo..   

Ann Corio Vintage promo photo dated from the 1940’s..

Ann Corio Vintage promo photo dated from the 1940’s..

Rubi      aka. “The Precious Gem”.. Vintage

Rubi      aka. “The Precious Gem”.. Vintage

  Charmaine       Vintage promo photo personalized to the

Charmaine      Vintage promo photo personalized to the

       Jeanette Leffler        Vintage 40’s-era promo

Jeanette Leffler       Vintage 40’s-era promo

        Nadine      Vintage 40’s-era promo photo personalized:

Nadine     Vintage 40’s-era promo photo personalized:

Rubi       aka. “The Precious Gem”.. Very late-period

Rubi       aka. “The Precious Gem”.. Very late-period

Lynne O’Neill flips her transparent skirt in this promo photo..

Lynne O’Neill flips her transparent skirt in this promo photo..