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I happened to look at my counter on my blog today and noticed
(If I started writing these posts early enough not to fall asleep
I am pleased to report that the day after Walgreens has pissed
You know what’s awesome? I had a great day at work today
I hate my work schedule sometimes. “Let’s only schedule
Um, that gift I mentioned from Dean. He surprised me with this
I’ve cried a lot the last few days. I have emotions, thoughts,
Oh my God. I never want to do a day like today again. Since we
Things that me and Neil have in common or are similar aka we
Cautiously optimisticNeil approached me last night and said he
I really fucking hate myself and I wish these thoughts and emotions
Oh my Goddddd. Answering phones is the worst sometimes. Yes,
Thank you so much everybody that’s complimented on my hair
oblig valentine's day post
You can tell I’ve spent all day writing a gender studies
I actually had the worst day of work I’ve had in all my
my activity is filled with one person liking a bunch of old posts
Spending the day on meds and in bed with salonpas on my lower
Been awhile since I last got to SDCC, so it was a nice treat
Best quote I’ve seen all day, really cheers me up and makes
Have vehicle now. Still just as tired … … It’s
I’m assuming these are from the same person over the span
I received my package from bdsmgeekshop the other day! I have
You know what, i’ve come a long way This time last year
Nick has a four day this weekend, works one day next week, and
Today was my day off. Completely off, not worrying about how
There may come a day where I don’t hate myself and want to
I miss Europe. I think about it every single day. I’ve
Above & Beyond “Alone Tonight” and “On
It is annoying how a good mood of mine can be ruined in 2 seconds,
sorry I have been kinda missing, I have been out living life
Happy Tabletop Day! I’ll be spending the day playing all
Theory, a good personality could compensate for being fuck ugly.
Love is so magical and mysterious and weird. I just want this
I love that even on our worst days we still end them naked and