Apparently it’s a thing to let your dog go loose on post

Apparently it’s a thing to let your dog go loose on post

After the mandated fun time with Nick’s unit, we took Juvia

After the mandated fun time with Nick’s unit, we took Juvia

ileftmyheartinwesteros:  My fucking dog just ate her own shit

ileftmyheartinwesteros: My fucking dog just ate her own shit

It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood<3 Juvia and

It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood<3 Juvia and

I was watching Toy Story and even though she was deeply asleep,

I was watching Toy Story and even though she was deeply asleep,

Took the dog and cat to the vet and both are very healthy:) Steve’s

Took the dog and cat to the vet and both are very healthy:) Steve’s

Juvia would’ve made the best mama dog. She always lets

Juvia would’ve made the best mama dog. She always lets

Last night he was cute and cuddly and actually let me pet him.

Last night he was cute and cuddly and actually let me pet him.

My excitement for our weekly trip to the dog park outweighs how

My excitement for our weekly trip to the dog park outweighs how

This park is Juvia’s happy place. We go weekly, and everytime

This park is Juvia’s happy place. We go weekly, and everytime

I am debating about starting another blog just for my dog, somewhere

I am debating about starting another blog just for my dog, somewhere

Hi my name is Juvia and I am afraid of 2 pound kittens,my own

Hi my name is Juvia and I am afraid of 2 pound kittens,my own

Juvia got bit at the dog park on post -.- There’s this

Juvia got bit at the dog park on post -.- There’s this

Look at this dork

Look at this dork

She takes up more blanket and bed space than my husband but she’s

She takes up more blanket and bed space than my husband but she’s

Steve being a vicious jungle tiger and Juvia encouraging him

Steve being a vicious jungle tiger and Juvia encouraging him

She likes to sleep with the blankets and pillows and she shares

She likes to sleep with the blankets and pillows and she shares

No more rawhide bones for juvia. She’s ever gotten sick

No more rawhide bones for juvia. She’s ever gotten sick

I took juvia on a long walk today and we ran into another woman

I took juvia on a long walk today and we ran into another woman

Hi my name is Juvia and when I get excited about snow, I like

Hi my name is Juvia and when I get excited about snow, I like

She was more excited about the damn snow than a little kid lol

She was more excited about the damn snow than a little kid lol

“We’re not going to let her on the bed” we

“We’re not going to let her on the bed” we

Woke up to this grumpy looking face this morning lmao

Woke up to this grumpy looking face this morning lmao

Nick stepped on her squeaky toy downstairs this morning so her

Nick stepped on her squeaky toy downstairs this morning so her

This is what I wake up to everyday lol

This is what I wake up to everyday lol

Look at my beautiful dog <3

Look at my beautiful dog <3

“I see that you’re doing classwork. Can I interest

“I see that you’re doing classwork. Can I interest

I got asked at the vet by some stranger if my dog’s a greyhound.

I got asked at the vet by some stranger if my dog’s a greyhound.

Nick’s taking Juvia to PT tomorrow, they’re running a few

Nick’s taking Juvia to PT tomorrow, they’re running a few

Juvia saw I was upset so she crawled up to me and now we’re ‘holding

Juvia saw I was upset so she crawled up to me and now we’re ‘holding

They crack me up when they play. Marley pretends he gets hurt

They crack me up when they play. Marley pretends he gets hurt

handsomedogs:  my basset hound / german shepherd cross taking

handsomedogs: my basset hound / german shepherd cross taking

My snow angels <3 Marley’s the biggest pussy in the world.

My snow angels <3 Marley’s the biggest pussy in the world.

My two best pals 

My two best pals 

My husband and his dad were trimming the tree and Juvia’s so

My husband and his dad were trimming the tree and Juvia’s so

We took the dogs on walkies and look how well my GSD blends in

We took the dogs on walkies and look how well my GSD blends in