sweetlips136: hugethingsss: h u g e t h i n g ( s s s ) DAMN
Sailor by Sadao Hasegawa
m4motn: Alex Minsky… Inspiring!
Would love to be tag teamed by this pair.
brotherbro: adonisarchive: Richard Rocco http://brotherbro.tumblr.com/
Richard Rocco
dirtyguystogo: Dirty Guys To Go Desert heat.
Cammo and musk.
str8menrule: Man on right knows he’ll have the two faggots
scoobydooguy: jockzone: iOS http://bit.ly/17sSrDH Android http://bit.ly/1cAsqZi
militarymencollection: via http://itsaboutthemen8.tumblr.com/
texasfratboy: nice view!!! Fuck!
dirtyzdog: dirty dawgs Pin me down and hold me with those arms.
dirtyzdog: dirty dawgs I’d like to be riding with them.
Not your dad’s Army. So fucking nice.
Yes Sir!
jbrodc87: theconsolidator: Follow The Consolidator. That man
wilmingtonncyummy: liguy: Bro Life Diptych No. 2,043 Yum Hot
behrcub01:yum God bless America
hussy2037: roundup-of-boys-and-men: Please follow me: A Round-Up
Fuuuck me daddy! Miles/Rizzo.
Sir yes SIR
Heath Jordan and Shawn Wolfe
Heath Jordan and Shawn Wolfe
Fuck yeah!
camodude:http://camodude.tumblr.com/ Fuck!
Ryan Jordan and Ripley Grey (via ryanjordanandripleygrey_5.jpg