Wolverine & Colossus in “Steel Inside Me” by

Wolverine & Colossus in “Steel Inside Me” by

Beast & Wolverine by Amakuchi (2012).

Beast & Wolverine by Amakuchi (2012).

Nightcrawler & Beastboy

Nightcrawler & Beastboy

Nightcrawler by Rough Canvas (Brian Canfield Mitchell).

Nightcrawler by Rough Canvas (Brian Canfield Mitchell).

Sabretooth breeds Nightcrawler.

Sabretooth breeds Nightcrawler.

Training Nightcrawler

Training Nightcrawler

Gambit, Iceman, & Angel by Cirgy

Gambit, Iceman, & Angel by Cirgy

Wolverine breeding Beast by Amakuchi

Wolverine breeding Beast by Amakuchi

The xXx-Men

The xXx-Men

blesstheyaoi:  “Nice ass, Steve…” - Tony Stark.

blesstheyaoi: “Nice ass, Steve…” - Tony Stark.

Havok & Northstar.

Havok & Northstar.

gaynerd616:  Salute!

gaynerd616: Salute!

Captain America & Bucky.

Captain America & Bucky.

“Good Morning, USA” Steve Rogers & Tony Stark.

“Good Morning, USA” Steve Rogers & Tony Stark.

Deadpool gives Nathan a hand…

Deadpool gives Nathan a hand…

Poor Steve I hope he doesn’t choke… much. ;)

Poor Steve I hope he doesn’t choke… much. ;)

One of the advantages of having a sidekick…

One of the advantages of having a sidekick…



From “Fortitude”an Avengers fanbook by Kin29 Nintaro.

From “Fortitude”an Avengers fanbook by Kin29 Nintaro.

Cyclops By  Jaime A Took

Cyclops By  Jaime A Took

Iceman by …

Iceman by …

Black Cat & Spider-Man by Rob Durham

Black Cat & Spider-Man by Rob Durham



Luke Cage takes care of Peter Parker

Luke Cage takes care of Peter Parker

daunt:Steve Rogers (NSFW)Just a little beach porn…ponish….sort

daunt:Steve Rogers (NSFW)Just a little beach porn…ponish….sort

Doom & Namor

Doom & Namor





cris-art:  A sketch of Hulkling and Billy. :P I hope you like!

cris-art: A sketch of Hulkling and Billy. :P I hope you like!

Wolverine by RandsomGetty.

Wolverine by RandsomGetty.

I luvs me some Venom

I luvs me some Venom

Example A

Example A







kissingcullens:  [image: Skinny, bespectacled Steve Rogers snuggles

kissingcullens: [image: Skinny, bespectacled Steve Rogers snuggles