Lee Lane
Lee “Cha Cha” London
Lee Lane
Lee Sharon
Lee Sharon aka. “The Shape”..
Lee Sharon aka. “The Shape”.. Part of her
Lee Fox Photo courtesy of the Janelle Smith collection..
Lee Lane Often mistaken in appearance for dancer Candy Barr..
Lee Sharon
Lee Belmont Showing off her Cherry garter..
Lee Sharon Performing on stage at NYC’s famed ‘Latin
Lee Sharon
Lee Lane
Lee Lane
Lee Sharon adorns the cover of this March ‘56 issue of ‘People
Lee Lane turns the other cheek..
Lee Sharon Photographed by - Roy Kemp
Lee Sharon
Lee Sharon graces the cover of the June ‘59 issue of ‘GLANCE’
Lee LaneOften mistaken for Candy Barr..
Lee Lane ..enjoying the Great Outdoors!Photographed
Lee LanePhotographed by — George K. Mann
Lee Lane ..enjoying the Great Outdoors!Photographed
Lee Lane
Lee Lane ..relaxes in the Great Outdoors!Photographed
Lee LanePhotographed by — George K. Mann
Lee Seegel
Lee LanePhotographed by — George K. Mann
Lee Sharon aka. “The Shape”..
Lee Lane ..relaxes in the Great Outdoors!Photographed
Lee Lane ..relaxes in the Great Outdoors!Photographed
Lee Lane ..relaxes in the Great Outdoors!Photographed
Lee LanePhotographed by — George K. Mann
Lee Lane
Lee Myung Hee
Lee Chae Young