I hope you had a happy Valentine’s Day.
mobpsycho100: > ///< <3
I love this anime <3
they are really cutting it close here > 3>;;;
Ame ame ame!~
im so dead X uX <3 <3 <3
she’s like my cat~ <3 <3 <3
<3 <3 <3
vickivalkyrie: Find more lewdness here! ⋛⋋( ‘Θ’)⋌⋚
>////< <3
waifu-fantasy: source this loli will be the end of me DX>
k-ui: 荻poteさんのツイート: “飼い慣らしたい
this precious cinnamon bun <3
just cuties!
me on lolis = 3=
these three will be the end of me > .<
Speedy's Sketchbook
O oO <3 <3 <3
thewaifuwhisperer: [カンナカムイ | Xinmi] ❃ Permission
thewaifuwhisperer: [イェイ | ペンギン丸] ❃ Permission
omg hnng! <3 <3 <3
caskitsune: 大人バージョンのカンナちゃん | ice※Permission
O oO <3 <3 <3
nowthatswhaticallanime:Poor Kobayashi. cuties! X3
melanchoribbon:Bunny Dragon / Dragon Dragon / Koala Dragon CUTIES!
immoren:Little police dragon. Lolis are policing for themselves
anim-ae:various transparent animal dragons! Cuties Cuties CUTIES!!!
hnng! <3 <3 <3 <3
> u< <3
onodera-kosaki: カンナ大人化 | 28Aart [pixiv]※Permission
must protect > ///>
nsfwfoxydenofficial: Dragons loose on Kobayashi’s rooftop.
oh-the-cleverness-0f-me: Ready Player One (2018)