Fake glitch gif http://dombarra.tumblr.com www.behance.com/dombarra
Fake glitch gif DMNC RMX http://dombarra.tumblr.com www.behance.com/dombarra
Fake glitch DMNC RMX http://dombarra.tumblr.com www.behance.com/dombarra
Error uploading on DMNC RMX http://dombarra.tumblr.com #followfriday
Research for the lost glitch DMNC RMX Http://dombarra.tumblr.com
Even if noisy…it’s all ok! http://dombarra.tumblr.com
If you like my works and my tumblr art imaginarium please share
You don’t need eyes to see, you need visions yeah! #gif
Beat the coin with bitcoin! Glitch the monetary system! #art
Shake your MoneyGlitch_Maker!!! #art #glitch #gif #money https://www.facebook.com/events/127432530788586/128429470688892/?notif_t=plan_mall_activity
Creative/destructive process. To destry an image to create a
Creative/destructive process. To destry an image to create a
Shattering landscapes #glitch #photography #photo DMNC RMX
J.Low resolution glitch @ DMNC RMX - http://dombarra.tumblr.com
Twinbo Limbo because two is always better than one #glitch #gif
Snob “Booby” Boobs #glitch #selfshot #gif #selfie
Big lips and black eye like a panda #glitch #portrait #selfshot
Erdogan, open your eyes and see the bad you did! #Erdogan you
Queen of style! #glitch #gif #fashion DMNC RMX http://dombarra.tumblr.com
Big camera girl #glitch #gif #selfshot
There is noise in everyone’s life #glitch #portrait #gif
what happens to the brain with the DMNC RMX effect http://dombarra.tumblr.com
7 years is your sentence Mr #Berlusconi, you are glitched! #glitchart
Like the bite of lady dracula…#glitchart #art DMNC RMX
Princess and the beast #gltichart #art DMNC RMX http://dombarra.tumblr.com
Disturbed on glitch #glitchart DMNC RMX http://dombarra.tumblr.com
Mohamed Morsi is glitching (portrait) #glitchart #morsi #egyptprotests
Creepy kid and a creepy doll #glitchart #gif #art
Kiss those lips #glitchart #art #databending #gif DMNC RMX http://dombarra.tumblr.com
Seening the circumstances GOD is glitching and I glitch GOD DMNC
sexy lady I like your glitch DMNC RMX http://dombarra.tumblr.com
I am tied to a glitch…it’s my artistic perversion!
SUDLAB | NEW MEDIA ART SUDLAB as part of the program SUDLAB |
La serie glitch de Dom Barra