Last night I told people if they’re alone on Valentines

Last night I told people if they’re alone on Valentines

Tonight I almost freaked out because I have a sound system packed

Tonight I almost freaked out because I have a sound system packed

Okay fuck. I need to figure out why I’ve had equipment

Okay fuck. I need to figure out why I’ve had equipment

This is the front door to The Broken Tusk, the venue I performed

This is the front door to The Broken Tusk, the venue I performed

My band mate lofididntdie checking herself out in a bottle opener.

My band mate lofididntdie checking herself out in a bottle opener.

It’s working! This is perfect. The bugs flyin’ round.

It’s working! This is perfect. The bugs flyin’ round.

I’m performing at this after party tonight. If you’re

I’m performing at this after party tonight. If you’re

Playing with lofididntdie’s pedals while she’s in

Playing with lofididntdie’s pedals while she’s in

goodluck-godspeed:  .watching halfsleeper tonight.bloodyqueefs

goodluck-godspeed: .watching halfsleeper tonight.bloodyqueefs



I need to stop being a lazy little shit and practice.

I need to stop being a lazy little shit and practice.

@ohmrssmiley for real come. bring yer friends. it’ll be

@ohmrssmiley for real come. bring yer friends. it’ll be

Making D.I.Y. Cds for the show in Gainesville this weekend.If

Making D.I.Y. Cds for the show in Gainesville this weekend.If