“Are you 051113? Because you just blew me away.”

“Are you 051113? Because you just blew me away.”

“Call me the Clarence House Cannibal, because I’d

“Call me the Clarence House Cannibal, because I’d

“Are you Cupid? Because you just shot me in the heart.”

“Are you Cupid? Because you just shot me in the heart.”

“Are you the East Wind? Because I’d let you take

“Are you the East Wind? Because I’d let you take

“Are you a complete flake who happens to be a genius? Because

“Are you a complete flake who happens to be a genius? Because

The best of the villains, from BBC Sherlock Pick-Up Lines (excluding

The best of the villains, from BBC Sherlock Pick-Up Lines (excluding

“Girl, are your initials A.G.R.A.? Because you are Amazing,

“Girl, are your initials A.G.R.A.? Because you are Amazing,

“Are you London? Because I want to get to know you and

“Are you London? Because I want to get to know you and

“The whole world is wet to my touch, and it’s not

“The whole world is wet to my touch, and it’s not

More t-shirts now available! “I would have dinner with

More t-shirts now available! “I would have dinner with

“The Headless Nun was only headless because she hadn’t

“The Headless Nun was only headless because she hadn’t

“I know you’re not some character from Lord of the

“I know you’re not some character from Lord of the

“You give me life, and not just because Lazarus is go.”

“You give me life, and not just because Lazarus is go.”

“Are you Helen Louise? Because I’m going to make

“Are you Helen Louise? Because I’m going to make

“We think you’re smoking, and that’s not just

“We think you’re smoking, and that’s not just

“Are you a fire extinguisher? Because I want to dance and

“Are you a fire extinguisher? Because I want to dance and

“Are you one of John’s jumpers? Because you look

“Are you one of John’s jumpers? Because you look

“I guess people can stop calling me The Ice Man, because

“I guess people can stop calling me The Ice Man, because

“Are you a train car in Sumatra? Because you are the bomb.”

“Are you a train car in Sumatra? Because you are the bomb.”

“Are you Greg Lestrade? Because you look like a DI…

“Are you Greg Lestrade? Because you look like a DI…

“Would you still love me even though you’re made

“Would you still love me even though you’re made

“Is your meat dagger on Twitter? Because I’d like

“Is your meat dagger on Twitter? Because I’d like

“I would punch the chief superintendent just because he

“I would punch the chief superintendent just because he

“Are you frequenting cafes? Because you are smoking.”

“Are you frequenting cafes? Because you are smoking.”

“Are you Mr. Summerson? Because I’d like to fondle

“Are you Mr. Summerson? Because I’d like to fondle

“What’s your star sign? I don’t know mine because

“What’s your star sign? I don’t know mine because

“Are you a sitty thing? Because I would love to sit on

“Are you a sitty thing? Because I would love to sit on

“Are you Mary Morstan? Because those pants look so good

“Are you Mary Morstan? Because those pants look so good



“Because you know I’m all about that case, ‘bout

“Because you know I’m all about that case, ‘bout

“Do you like solving crimes? Because I’ve got a vacancy.”

“Do you like solving crimes? Because I’ve got a vacancy.”

“You know how most days aren’t good days? This is

“You know how most days aren’t good days? This is

“Are you Sebastian Moran? Because I wanna check out your

“Are you Sebastian Moran? Because I wanna check out your

“Your beauty is indescribable… No, seriously. I

“Your beauty is indescribable… No, seriously. I

“Are you a blonde drug smuggler? Because I’d disguise

“Are you a blonde drug smuggler? Because I’d disguise

Happy April Fool’s Day, followers! I hope you’re

Happy April Fool’s Day, followers! I hope you’re