gemslashstashcache: mmmm yes more Opalnet What to do with 4
yamino: Congrats, Pearl. Senpai noticed you!
crownthedogs: Doodles for the Week of Gem Lovin’. Rose Sunday
gemlings: the “i’ve been away from my gem girlfriend for
abiggaynerd: bleh
gracekraft: Sketch page of some snuggly Crystal Gems commissioned
gemlings: this was going to be a sad comic but something went
karpetshark: i’m garbage don’t look at me
nillia: My headcanons are these: Amethyst is the only
bumbleshark: sleepy polyhumans :}
✨We are the Crystal Gays!✨
aracema: Steven made them watch Jurassic Park and that’s why
aku2: attack the light prevents my work, and I’m sorry P.
alexandot: look at these girlfriends holding hands
antleredfox: So I got The Answer and signed by Rebecca Sugar
Changed my icon to Garnet giving the bedroom eyes aww yisss
‘Ruby has always been an open book, blacked out with flaws,
Ruby came again, like a mirage emerging from the waves of heat
And the final set of the Halloween Gems designs by @telsonknife!!