yummytomatoes: raksasaavici: sexual fantasy #ITS LIKE HE’S
the file name for the dirkjake picture I posted yesterday
riretto: mirrorshards: i just redrew the last comic i posted
^ for all the DirkJake requests (one was them sleeping)! OTP
lindzar: I think I’m drowning, asphyxiated I wanna break this
fancymaplesyrup: so i went to an christmas event and they
ibiscolors: happyds: I get otp feelings all the time yet I
yoccu: Woah there nelly! There are ladies present you know!
tamiiland: Alpha love. Not sure what’s going on in here.
i-miha: Well. I’m pretty sad they’re already about to break
wendythang: I’d like to share my magnum opus from the Katsustuck
illbean: (it’s the first time he’s seen them up close)
Anonymous: Could you draw Dirk as The Batter and Jake as Zacharie
readysetjeans: gurl, you have got to stop drawing in the middle
tea time with Dirk (and distressed Jake) (I blame this on you
sts33: Dirk - Jake , i know you love me just admit it thank
sonotcanon-draws: overworked stress paintinggggg the scenario
thetytoalba: Can you hear the shippers sing Singing a song of
I’m just trying to make the updates a bit happie r If that
the shades are to blame maybe his hair too
Dirk you’re missing the movie
someone asked for dirkjake doing the somersault kiss thing so
drew some more of that thing with the fox Dirk I drew a while
Jake you’re messing up his mane somebody asked for dirkjake
gamergal-411: this is for the supreme and ruler of the dirkjake
merstuck Dirkjake lalala
last/first dirkjake of the year heheh
Anon: Happy Birthday Sunny! i really wanted to make you something
this got sort of out of hand but I just like to draw people dancing
dammit guys, always asking me who takes the top bunk((in the
unpausing the au to post this since there were suddenly more
Dirkjake lyricstuck done at last!! (it’s all in the video
belated summer Dirkjake pics I got around finishing only now
drew this almost 1 year ago rip this is the last one of the designs