So close to true evil
Sooo would anyone be interested if I opened up nsfw commissions??
So I’m doing my senior entrepreneurship program final and I’m
So yeah totes gonna do nsfw commissions after graduation caaaaause
Git gross in my inbox
Hey gonna stream some doodles and commission tonight probs around
Gonna get started with the stream soon, just gonna make myself
thanks to everyone who stopped by! Had a great time streaming!
I’m very tempted to post these WIPs of this commission
Why the fuck are a bunch of fontcest blogs following me??
So I think when I’m caught up on commissions I’ll
getting alot of requests for goat mom and tongue action
alright these are getting weird, im done. two more for my friends
This anit porn but I’m mad erect right now my dudes
If I were to change my name what would sound better, Beefdawg,
Oh whoops, I should really pay attention to what’s in the
Ask me gross personal stuff
Eh fuck it, i ll go jack off amd forget about this in the morning
So yeah almost left my lube right in the middle of my bathroom
Anybody know good threesome references?
Like cleaning people are here and they’re still like kind
The only thing I gotta worry about is fam walking in cause that
Goddammit I’m way too hard for this shit right now.
Sneezed so hard I came in my pants… Fucking niceee
And remember, ibuprofen and Gatorade are your best friends
If you ask yourself “why is my university’s library
I really need to make more nsfw ocs to have fun with :p Or you
When NSFW artists are like “Oh my stuff can’t be prints.
Okay rant over. Back to the, legal and consensual, porn.
Btws while I’m at it, if you are under 18. Unfollow me
Lost some followers. Good.
Hey doing some more quickies for like the next hour, send me
Oh man, so glad I shaved. I had a fucking jungle down there #manscaping
Gonna upload everything before the new year so get ready so a
Some fuck: But Dawg, if you block everyone you reblogs incest