Grunt!, Dir: Allan Holzman.  New World Pictures 1985. Bought

Grunt!, Dir: Allan Holzman.  New World Pictures 1985. Bought

Marlon Brando chuckles as Al Pacino cracks a joke on the set

Marlon Brando chuckles as Al Pacino cracks a joke on the set

 Jillian Murray  (as Alexis “Lex” Mitchell) turning

Jillian Murray (as Alexis “Lex” Mitchell) turning

Hey filmfuckers, did you know? Right before Cal presents The

Hey filmfuckers, did you know? Right before Cal presents The

cracked:  “Please already love this portrayal of this character.”

cracked: “Please already love this portrayal of this character.”

gutweeds:  gaygothur:  gaygothur: Otis is actually canonically

gutweeds: gaygothur: gaygothur: Otis is actually canonically

resotii93:This cracked me up so much and Applejack being all

resotii93:This cracked me up so much and Applejack being all

Every horse movie

Every horse movie

sarahmichelllegellar:  gaypornstar:I’m watching Bratz movie..

sarahmichelllegellar: gaypornstar:I’m watching Bratz movie..

cracked:  HOW IS THAT NOT A GOOD PREQUEL IDEA 16 Famous Movie

cracked: HOW IS THAT NOT A GOOD PREQUEL IDEA 16 Famous Movie

cracked:  When the movie starts, Jafar is already secretly running

cracked: When the movie starts, Jafar is already secretly running

cracked:  If Hollywood won’t make a Wonder Woman movie, the

cracked: If Hollywood won’t make a Wonder Woman movie, the

cracked:  The JLA: preventing women from serving combat duty

cracked: The JLA: preventing women from serving combat duty

 She cultivates a taste for small pleasures: dipping her hand

She cultivates a taste for small pleasures: dipping her hand

cracked:22 Things Movies Get Completely Wrong About Mental Illness

cracked:22 Things Movies Get Completely Wrong About Mental Illness

cracked:  22 Movie Survival Tips (That Will Kill You)

cracked: 22 Movie Survival Tips (That Will Kill You)

cracked:  “That’s what labs are for. They’re why you don’t

cracked: “That’s what labs are for. They’re why you don’t

cracked:  22 Real Places More Spectacular Than A Fantasy Movie

cracked: 22 Real Places More Spectacular Than A Fantasy Movie

cracked:  “Do try and behave, spy who is only in this scene

cracked: “Do try and behave, spy who is only in this scene

cracked:  But so fierce though! The 17 Most Unintentionally Funny

cracked: But so fierce though! The 17 Most Unintentionally Funny

cracked:  To sort out gunfact from gunfiction, we interviewed

cracked: To sort out gunfact from gunfiction, we interviewed

cracked:  Congratulations! You’re better than every movie character

cracked: Congratulations! You’re better than every movie character

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cracked: 28 Great Movies From the Perspective of Minor Characters

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cracked: 16 Things Movies Always Get Wrong About Everyday Jobs

I cracked: confessions of a Disney fangirl

I cracked: confessions of a Disney fangirl

cracked:  Best potential Andrew Garfield movie since Same Picture

cracked: Best potential Andrew Garfield movie since Same Picture

cracked:  Oh no! It hit the ridiculously fragile “person”!

cracked: Oh no! It hit the ridiculously fragile “person”!

cracked:  It’s a city-smashing robot at the end instead of

cracked: It’s a city-smashing robot at the end instead of

cracked:  Right right so which NASA facility imprisoned Loki?

cracked: Right right so which NASA facility imprisoned Loki?

cracked:  “Hey, it’s okay. They still probably allow your

cracked: “Hey, it’s okay. They still probably allow your

cracked:  Authors: the craziest architects of them all.20 Insane

cracked: Authors: the craziest architects of them all.20 Insane

cracked:  A long time ago, in a studio far, far away from completed

cracked: A long time ago, in a studio far, far away from completed

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cracked: NO ONE HAS EVER REALLY HAD SEX31 Mind-Blowingly Ordinary

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cracked: 28 Great Movie Moments Created By Ignoring The Script

cracked:  The 14 Most Insane Things Happening Right Now (5/5)

cracked: The 14 Most Insane Things Happening Right Now (5/5)

‘Pyrrha Nikos. Wow, talk about 'High-profile’, Olympic

‘Pyrrha Nikos. Wow, talk about 'High-profile’, Olympic