I'm the $3, when I'm at work, working in the back has made me really antisocial
published on: 2016-02-28 18:22:40
hydaria: Chris Redfield
uhlalah: Gray | Tofu http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=55518509
mentaiko-ittorasii: うぉーおっおっおーぉぉおー うぉーおっおっうぉーおーおっおっおうぉーおっおっおーぉぉおー うぉーおっおっうぉーおーおっおっお世界観とかめぼしいCPとかまだよくわかってない内はとりあえず分娩台に乗せとけばいいみたいなトコあるうぉーお
piikeisandaa: An anon requested a shirtless RD Boyd soI made
artofvio: OK so I somehow dreamt of KH3 last night (???) and