No one can get their hands off Superman
What a skinny cock
Drakes’ assets are just fiiine
Oh hot damn
Those abs!!!!
Poor Deimos is getting tortured by Bob
Zahn the barbarian with a mega hardon
prestopics: double sexy randy holes Sexy face
takadoeslife: So this happened…
Gloworm from Naked Justice Beginings
Wolverine for anon… Even though you don’t see much of Wolvie
Sexy DJ
I wanna cry
Later guys, lol. I’m off to play Pokemon Black 2
Take it!!!
Escavalier gijinka
Tauros and Bouffalant
Glowstick dick
Sharky :3 Scales everywhere yay
Ohh Bowser-kun
Even though this looks cartoonish as fuck there’s something
Because who doesn’t know these two
*GASP* Taka just posted safe for work
Who the fuck invited you, Nightcrawler?
Lol dafuq happened to this Beast?
HankxLogan… Hottest X-men ship ever
Japanese Beast! Also, straight because GASP! :O
Eh, I’ll post the rest later
This one’s odd