Biomedical Ephemera
circa 1675 Illustration of a woman having a breast operation,
underwater graveyard?
According to Jim McDowell of www.blackpotter.com: UGLY FACE POTTERY.
The Congressional Cemetery in Washington DC is the first cemetery
Overtoun Bridge, Dumbarton, Scotland- built in 1859 - something
The Little Book of Curses and Maledictions for Everyday Use.
Ghostly face, appeared in the floor of a haunted house in Bélmez
Baby found in river.
Little People Village The legend of Little People Village varies
Terracotta dice from the Indus valley…India …2500
An extremely rare view of a Ku Klux Klan meeting at night in
The skull of a young boy with a second imperfect skull attached
“Mammatus clouds are most often associated with the anvil
Nick Hilton watched in horror as his wife Jamie stepped backward
Brain Salt
(Blue People of Kentucky) Fugates: The genetic form of methemoglobinemia
The Mutter Museum in Philadelphia Was originally opened in the
A Hong Kong cemetery
The Amityville Horror Everyone knows about the large, beautiful
Beware of the Thing. Hah?
In 1835 Mr James Newlove lowered his young son Joshua into a
Anneliese Michel was a German Catholic woman who was said to
The nurses behind the Nazi ‘Super Race Children’:
Koyasan Cemetery in Japan
Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection caused by the spirochete
Human and Gorilla skeleton side by side
Just beneath the skull is a tough, leathery layer called the dura
Filarial Worm, a horrible parasite that can live in your eye.
Frontal Lobotomy: It involved…Brain slicing! Essentially, it
Medieval Tree of Life
Vintage Whiskey Dispenser
Apothecary Jar - Dragon’s Blood, circa 1900. Clear glass