In Atlanta, Georgia, just prior to midnight on September 8, seventy-seven
In June 1942, after a population boom brought about by the increased
The Baychimo, a 1,322 ton steam ship owned by the Hudson Bay
Motorcycle rider wearing flipflops
Laboratoire Culture
Zoar Valley is a small area near Gowanda, New York. Its history
Pessaries (300s BC - 1900s) A pessary is a vaginal suppository
Alexandria’s Genesis, also known as ”violet eyes” (a mutation).
In 2007,Car crash victim Shannon Malloy was made a living medical
Late 19th-early 20th century, African art from Nigeria. The mask
red gypsy dancers
Africa | Scarification on a Nuba woman marking the weaning of
These remarkable Italian mummies have been preserved almost perfectly
Wax anatomical model of a female showing internal organs, Florence,
Mongolia in color, 1913. A Mongolian woman sentenced to starvation
Durham Cathedral Cemetery, Durham, England
Lower half of John Torrington of the Franklin expedition, buried
The Ica stones are a collection of andesite stones that contain
After succumbing to a fever of some sort in 1705, Irish woman
“Poveglia Island is one of many islands located between
Wait, what?!
Human egg emerging from the ovary
Men waiting in line for an opportunity at a job during the Depression,
HYDRIADS are more commonly known as Naiads in the traditional
This little piggy… WTF!
In Vodoun the familiar spirit is known as the Ti Bon Ange or
The Boomschmidt Circus giant and his legless wife
Supernumerary thumb, from Edward M. Foote’s A text-book of
Radio stroller Stroller equipped with a radio, including antenna