live version of blog

Still a great fire!!! As well as nice drinks!! (at West Revere,

Still a great fire!!! As well as nice drinks!! (at West Revere,

Such a good fire!! (at West Revere, Massachusetts)

Such a good fire!! (at West Revere, Massachusetts)

Liked on YouTube: “311 - Too Much To Think [Official Video]”

Liked on YouTube: “311 - Too Much To Think [Official Video]”

Liked on YouTube: “Killing Joke - The Death & Resurrection

Liked on YouTube: “Killing Joke - The Death & Resurrection

Grilling up some fillet mignon, corn on the cobb, rice pilaf

Grilling up some fillet mignon, corn on the cobb, rice pilaf

Saturn near Opposition #nasa #apod #saturn #planet #rings #clouds

Saturn near Opposition #nasa #apod #saturn #planet #rings #clouds

Liked on YouTube: “Machine Gun Kelly, Camila Cabello -

Liked on YouTube: “Machine Gun Kelly, Camila Cabello -

Manhattan Moonrise #nasa #apod #fullmoon #moon #sunset #strawberrymoon

Manhattan Moonrise #nasa #apod #fullmoon #moon #sunset #strawberrymoon

Red Sprites over the Channel #nasa #apod #sprites #redsprites

Red Sprites over the Channel #nasa #apod #sprites #redsprites

Happy Flag Day!! Always respect the Red, White, and Blue!!! 󾓦

Happy Flag Day!! Always respect the Red, White, and Blue!!! 󾓦

Happy 242nd Birthday to the US Army!!!

Happy 242nd Birthday to the US Army!!!

M89: Elliptical Galaxy with Outer Shells and Plumes #nasa #apod

M89: Elliptical Galaxy with Outer Shells and Plumes #nasa #apod

The Great Nebula in Carina #nasa #apod #ngc3372 #greatnebulaincarina

The Great Nebula in Carina #nasa #apod #ngc3372 #greatnebulaincarina

An Unusual Hole in Mars #nasa #apod #mro #hirise #jpl #marsreconnaissanceorbiter

An Unusual Hole in Mars #nasa #apod #mro #hirise #jpl #marsreconnaissanceorbiter

IC 418: The Spirograph Nebula #nasa #apod #esa #hubbleheritageteam

IC 418: The Spirograph Nebula #nasa #apod #esa #hubbleheritageteam

Home and tired, but I’m on my second Greatful Dead+ (the

Home and tired, but I’m on my second Greatful Dead+ (the

Saturn in the Milky Way #nasa #apod #saturn #planet #solarsystem

Saturn in the Milky Way #nasa #apod #saturn #planet #solarsystem

Having Linner with the mates after a long day at the Pride Parade!

Having Linner with the mates after a long day at the Pride Parade!

🌈 At the pride parade in support of my LGBTQ friends and family!!

🌈 At the pride parade in support of my LGBTQ friends and family!!

M27: Not a Comet #nasa #apod #m27 #messier27 #notacomet #planetarynebula

M27: Not a Comet #nasa #apod #m27 #messier27 #notacomet #planetarynebula

Orbiting Jupiter #nasa #apod #juno #swri #msss #jupiter #planet

Orbiting Jupiter #nasa #apod #juno #swri #msss #jupiter #planet

Remember, D-Day πŸ˜”

Remember, D-Day πŸ˜”

The Case of the Missing Star #nasa #apod #esa #hubble #star #giantstar

The Case of the Missing Star #nasa #apod #esa #hubble #star #giantstar

Highlights of the Summer Sky #nasa #apod #summersky #stars #planets

Highlights of the Summer Sky #nasa #apod #summersky #stars #planets

Liked on YouTube: “Keith Urban Falling Apart on Kelly Clarkson’s

Liked on YouTube: “Keith Urban Falling Apart on Kelly Clarkson’s

Liked on YouTube: “Miley Cyrus and Ariana Grande - Don’t

Liked on YouTube: “Miley Cyrus and Ariana Grande - Don’t

Liked on YouTube: “Ariana Grande - ‘Somewhere Over

Liked on YouTube: “Ariana Grande - ‘Somewhere Over

So I forgot to post this earlier. But I was out for a little

So I forgot to post this earlier. But I was out for a little

Orion: Belt, Flame, and Horsehead #nasa #apod #deepskycolors

Orion: Belt, Flame, and Horsehead #nasa #apod #deepskycolors

Perijove Passage #nasa #apod #juno #swri #msss #jupiter #planet

Perijove Passage #nasa #apod #juno #swri #msss #jupiter #planet

Black Holes of Known Mass #nasa #apod #ligo #nsf #blackhole #blackholes

Black Holes of Known Mass #nasa #apod #ligo #nsf #blackhole #blackholes

Happy National Donut Day!! Free donut with coffee!! #dunkindonuts

Happy National Donut Day!! Free donut with coffee!! #dunkindonuts

Shadowrise and Sunset #nasa #apod #mountains #mountain #stornasen

Shadowrise and Sunset #nasa #apod #mountains #mountain #stornasen

Liked on YouTube: “Echos - Leave Your Lover”

Liked on YouTube: “Echos - Leave Your Lover”

Liked on YouTube: “EDEN - Gravity”

Liked on YouTube: “EDEN - Gravity”