Have a wonderful Friday the 13th!!! Or not… whatever
Have a wonderful Friday the 13th!!! Or not… whatever
Liked on YouTube: “The Hot Swapping Gear Mechanism | VCT2”
Liked on YouTube: “Storm Chaser Explains Why We Didn’t
Liked on YouTube: “Tornado tears through Mass. community”
Liked on YouTube: “Revere ma Tornado July 28 2014”
Liked on YouTube: “Mass. Gas Station Attendant Narrowly
Liked on YouTube: “Tornado—Gustnado in Revere Mass
Liked on YouTube: “How will SpaceX transport the BFR?”
Liked on YouTube: “Do We Really Need 10-Speed Transmissions?”
Symbiotic R Aquarii Image Credit: Hubble, NASA, ESA; Processing
Noctilucent Clouds over Paris Fireworks Video Credit & Copyright:
Road to Mars Image Credit & Copyright: John Chumack Explanation:
That or you just have good posts and are always in my feed!!
Trust me, whatever you think you can do I’ve probably had,
Yep…. that’s pretty accurate!! 👌🤣
A Northern Summer’s Night Image Credit & License:
I can’t believe it has been 10 years since you so unexpectedly
Charon: Moon of Pluto Image Credit: NASA, Johns Hopkins Univ./APL,
Shadow Rise on the Inside Passage Image Credit & Copyright:
Happy Fourth of July and a Glorious Independence Day!!! Be safe
Happy 1 year Birthday to this handsome guy!! 🌙 #moon #pitbull
An Airplane in Front of the Moon Image Credit & Copyright:
From the Galactic Plane through Antares Image Credit &
Fresh Tiger Stripes on Saturn’s Enceladus Image Credit:
The East 96th Street Moon Image Credit & Copyright: Stan
Liked on YouTube: “Wild Night (complete version) - Van
Liked on YouTube: “Marilyn Manson - Cry Little Sister”
Messier 24: Sagittarius Star Cloud Image Credit & Copyright:
Sigma Octantis and Friends Image Credit & Copyright: Frank
Highlights of the Summer Sky Illustration Credit & Copyright:
Hayabusa2 Approaches Asteroid Ryugu Image Credit & Copyright:
😏🌮😋 no complaints here!!
Draanks!!! (at Boston, Massachusetts)
Curiosity’s Dusty Self Image Credit: NASA, JPL-Caltech,
Not many true friends out there these days!! Or people that are