Liked on YouTube: “Flashlight - Bethany Mota - Pitch Perfect
Being a good doobie
The Flare and the Galaxy #nasa #apod #iridium #flare #sunlight
Distant Neutrinos Detected Below Antarctic Ice #nasa #apod #icecube
First Pumpkin Dunks of the Season! Mmmm!!! #pumpkin #coffee #icedcoffee
Saw this and made me think of you @bullmuise #necco
Liked on YouTube: “Malden MA. (A Whole New Perspective)”
Puppis A Supernova Remnant #nasa #apod #supernova #remnant #star
Liked on YouTube: “The Tesla Turbine & How it works”
Liked on YouTube: “Top 10 Perpetual Motion Machines for
Liked on YouTube: “Tesla Watch from ThinkGeek”
The Large Cloud of Magellan #nasa #apod #magellan #lmc #largemagellaniccloud
Liked on YouTube: “Star Trek - Digital Ghost (Fan Movie)”
Liked on YouTube: “Top 10 Posthumous Movie Performances”
Liked on YouTube: “Top 10 Actors Recreated With Special
Thanks for the Love @misslennymendoza!
at The Looking Glass Restaurant - Bar Harbor, Maine
Fire and a view (at The Looking Glass Restaurant - Bar Harbor,
Enjoying a nice family dinner. Just too bad it’s foggy.
Homemade Strawberry Rhubarb Pie! Yum yum!!!
Liked on YouTube: “Cute kitten waiting patiently for his
Those WERE the best damn Buffalo Wings i’ve had. Too good
Enjoying a few drinks and Karaoke with my Grandmother and Aunt.
Got here a few hours ago! Glad to be here!!! (at Bar Harbor,
Let the fun times begin!!!
Liked on YouTube: “EPIC THUNDER & RAIN | Rainstorm
Liked on YouTube: “Introducing Spot”
Liked on YouTube: “Boston Dynamics’ Atlas Robot Tested
Hmm…decisions decisions…
Yea, it’s a pretty special day.
Booooreeed…. (at Revere Beach, Revere, Mass)
This about sums up today
Yeah….about that…