Illustration of Brazilians, from Voyage Pittoresque Et Historique
soakingspirit: Taking an onsen day. #HageLife #Japanuary #VisitJapan
iseo58: Suri girl seen by the Kibish river near the village
Kaba woman, from From the Congo to the Niger and the Nile :
Australian people, from Women of All Nations: A Record of Their
onsenude:Beautiful japanese girl nude taking a bath at an onsen
Motu woman, from Women of All Nations: A Record of Their Characteristics,
African woman, via eBay.
Arabian women, via eBay.
Topless and body painted at a Brazilian carnival, by Sergio seLusava
Via collection of old photos
By Motopuru Danzantes Bora bora, PeruNativos bora bora de la
ukpuru:16 Nov 1905. Ikpe-Ikot-Ngon. Inokun (Aro [Igbo]) women.Charles
Topless Japanese geisha. Via Okinawa Soba.
Sculpture of a topless Cambodian woman, by Ty Roblin.
Naked and body painted at a Brazilian carnival, by Sergio seLusava
Japanese onsen.
naturistelyon:Souvenir du Ghana :
Ethiopian Surma women, by Georges Courreges.
Topless Japanese geisha. Via Okinawa Soba.
Via Mr MM2000 (on Flickr): Persiapan PengantinStill the preparation
Congolese woman, via eBay.
reborn-in-the-sea:A tattooed man from Lukunor, Caroline Islands.
Bedouin woman, via eBay.
ukpuru:Young woman from Ọka.
Naked and body painted at a Brazilian carnival, by Carlos Ricon.
ukpuru:[Greater Niger Series] Kaleri man Banghesh Feb 46 William
Via Okinawa Soba.PUBLIC BATH AT SHIMODA — Also known as
Bedouin woman, via eBay.
old-glory:Shigeyuki Kihara, Samoan Couple, 2004–2005.
edlorado:Andrew, Thomas, 1855-1939 :Majuro Islanders, [1886 or
african-eyes:a—fri—ca: Massai young woman from Kenya by Henk