Artist: Hm nice day today…
Artist: I’m getting a little slower! Gah!
Artist: =3
Artist: Oh dear…
Artist: That women scares meTT-TT
Artist: Please no…
Blood: Me! XD
Artist: What have I done?
Artist: Sneak peek of ester’s request! Wanted to show it sooner
Blood: Attention please! Dew to the fact that artist needs to
Blood: Stop! Hi no: Ah shadap and watch blood.(btw you owe me
Hi no: She did it! I didn’t think she had it in her…*hands
jackofthespades: hawkhooves: chiefwolfee: ask-puffycloud:
Blood: *whimper* Artist: Why would you make us watch this?*sniffle*
Artist: And we are a go! Off work and now to answer questions.
TMI Tuesday, ask me ANYTHING.
Artist: Me when I get really into a game.
Artist: GAH!!!! My hands have been so tied lately! As soon as
Blood: Alright, well... Goodnight everypony!
Streaming in right now!
Blood: Artist never learns… He only ate Taco Bell today…
Blood: I wanna have some fun! Artist: Blood no.
Artist: No blood, no… Act your age. Blood: I dun wanna!
Artist: Request for ask-von-the-kirin! With and without tail.
Artist: I was going to go to prom, until she left me for another
Artist: Hey maybe I should post my progress on a request I'm
Blood: MALICE!!!(sorry was cleaning house and yard all day!)
Artist: well I've got testing in the morning so goodnight everypony!