Artist: Well I’m awake in time to sleep again. But first
Artist: Nap time
Artist: It's amazing!
Artist: So tomorrow I'm going to draw some of my characters with
Artist: Finals… We meet again.
Artist: I really should be studying, but this works too
ebtdeponis: Alushy - Nightmare Night [SFM]
Artist: Sister’s wedding today, went awesome.
Artist: Quick wip of that warframe drawing I finally started.
Artist: Quick little message, I’m trying to work up some
Blood: Artist had this done the day before the block. You like?
Artist: Remember that thing I posted at that one point in time
discordeddavid: tigerlilygem: There is no way I could have
Artist: Okay whoever sent that message, no that picture with
Artist: Oh no, I have to do a Christmas drawing! I need to think
Artist: Morning warm up and the beginning of a sketch
Artist: Hm,tomorrow I’m going to try and draw something
Artist: Here’s the Fem:Blood x tentacles.
Artist: Sorry guys I only finished the femblood tentacle picture.
Artist: Okay, so today I’m going to try and draw three
Artist: Any ideas for dirty draws? I’ll post the them tomorrow…
Artist: Well I’m back! How’s everypony today?
Artist: Might not be on for a couple days, I don’t know
Artist: And I’m offline! That goes for skype as well! Have
Artist: This took a while but I got it! Tentacles!
Artist: Oh dear, I was finishing the tentacle drawing when my
Artist: I’ve got a question for you guys this fine morning!
Artist: Send me your skype names! along with a quick description
Artist: One more quick announcement, I’ve had to recreate
Artist: I’ll explain in a bit, but first I’d like
Artist: I’ve got an idea! Wanna hear it?